Andy Worthington: An Archive of Guantánamo Articles and Other Writing – Part 15, July to December 2013



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Over eight years ago, in March 2006, I began researching and writing about the Bush administration’s “war on terror” prison at Guantánamo and the 779 men (and boys) held there since the prison opened in January 2002. Initially, I spent 14 months researching and writing my book The Guantánamo Files, based, largely, on 8,000 pages of documents publicly released by the Pentagon in the spring of 2006, and, since May 2007, I have continued to write about the men held there, on an almost daily basis, as an independent investigative journalist — for 20 months under President Bush, and, shockingly, for what is now five and a half years under President Obama.

My mission, as it has been since my research first revealed the scale of the injustice at Guantánamo, continues to revolve around four main aims — to humanize the prisoners by telling their stories; to expose the many lies told about them to supposedly justify their detention; to push for the prison’s closure and the absolute repudiation of indefinite detention without charge or trial as US policy; and to call for those who initiated, implemented and supported indefinite detention and torture to be held accountable for their actions.

As I highlight every three months through my quarterly fundraising appeals, I have undertaken the lion’s share of this work as a reader-supported journalist and activist, so if you can support my work please click on the “Donate” button above to donate via PayPal.

In January 2010, I began to put together chronological lists of all my articles, in the hope that doing so would make it as easy as possible for readers and researchers to navigate my work — the 2,238 articles I have published in the last seven years.

This 15th list, covering July to December 2013, marked a period of hope for campaigners, after the men still held embarked on a prison-wide hunger strike to remind the world of the ongoing injustice of Guantánamo, and put pressure on President Obama to revisit his failed promise to close the prison and to resume releasing prisoners, which he had largely stopped doing since the fall of 2010 when Congress raised obstacles that he was unwilling to overcome, even though he had the means to do so.

In the period from October 2010 to July 2013, just five men were freed from Guantánamo, even though, throughout that period, over half the men still held had been cleared for release in January 2010 by the high-level, inter-agency Guantánamo Review Task Force that President Obama established shortly after taking office in 2009.

However, as a result of the hunger strike, President Obama delivered a major speech on national security issues in which he promised to appoint two new envoys to deal with the closure of Guantánamo, and also promised to resume releasing prisoners, and as a result, between August and December, he released eleven men from the prison (see here, here, here, here and here).

Six more men have been freed in the last six months, but there are, sadly, no grounds for those who oppose the existence of Guantánamo to sit back and relax, as the release of prisoners has once more ground to a halt, and renewed action is required to put pressure on the administration.

Throughout the period covered by this list, as I described it when I published the previous list, I continued to be “involved in campaigning to resist the age of austerity cynically introduced by the Tory-led government here in the UK, which is being used to wage a disgusting and disgraceful civil war against the poor, the unemployed and the disabled, and whose main aim being to almost entirely destroy the state provision of services.” Specifically, much of my attention was focused on the campaign to save Lewisham Hospital, my local hospital in south east London, and I’m very glad to note that the campaign was successful, providing hope for others working to save their local hospitals and the NHS in general.

As I always explain when I publish these lists, and as I most recently explained in the introduction to my Definitive Guantánamo Prisoner List (updated in March this year), I remain convinced, through detailed research, through comments from insiders with knowledge of Guantánamo, and, most recently, through an analysis of classified military documents released by WikiLeaks, that between 95 and 97 percent of the 779 men and boys imprisoned in total were either completely innocent people, seized as a result of dubious intelligence or sold for bounty payments, or Taliban foot soldiers, recruited to fight an inter-Muslim civil war that began long before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and that had nothing to do with al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or international terrorism.

The articles I wrote — and, on occasion, the photos I published — between July and December 2013 are listed below, separated into two categories: articles about Guantánamo, and articles about British politics. I hope you find the list useful.

An archive of Guantánamo articles: Part 15, July to December 2013

July 2013

1. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: Shaker Aamer and Other Prisoners Ask US Court to Stop the Force-Feeding and Forced Medication at Guantánamo
2. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: Guantánamo Hunger Strike: Nabil Hadjarab Tells Court, “I Will Consider Eating When I See People Leaving This Place”
3. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: In Court Submission, Hunger Striker Ahmed Belbacha Tells Obama, “End the Nightmare that is Guantánamo”
4. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: Justice Department Tells Court that Force-Feeding Guantánamo Hunger Strikers is “Maintaining the Status Quo”
5. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, radio: Radio: On Day 150 of the Hunger Strike at Guantánamo, Andy Worthington Talks to Michael Slate
6. Guantánamo media: Video: Rapper Mos Def (Yasiin Bey) Force-Fed Like Guantánamo Prisoners
7. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, TV: Video: On Day 150 of the Guantánamo Hunger Strike, Andy Worthington Tells RT Why the Prison is a Moral, Legal and Ethical Abomination
8. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: Judge Recognizes Force-Feeding as Torture, But Tells Guantánamo Prisoner Only President Obama Can Deal with the Hunger Strike
9. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: Guantánamo Hunger Striker Abu Wa’el Dhiab: “The Mistreatment Now is More Severe than During Bush”
10. Guantánamo campaigns: For Ramadan, Please Write to the Hunger Striking Prisoners at Guantánamo
11. Bradley Manning: Bradley Manning Trial: No Secrets in WikiLeaks’ Guantánamo Files, Just Evidence of Colossal Incompetence
12. Guantánamo, TV: Video: “Is Guantánamo Forever?” – Andy Worthington on “Inside Out” with Susan Modaress
13. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: From Guantánamo, Hunger Striker Abdelhadi Faraj Describes the Agony of Force-Feeding
14. Deaths at Guantánamo: EXCLUSIVE: The Last Days in the Life of Adnan Latif, Who Died in Guantánamo Last Year
15. Guantánamo lawyers: The Schizophrenic in Guantánamo Whose Lawyers Are Seeking to Have Him Sent Home
16. Shaker Aamer, UK politics, video: Video: Andy Worthington Calls for the Release from Guantánamo of Shaker Aamer, Parliament Square, July 18, 2013
17. Guantánamo: “The Grotesque Injustice of Guantánamo: Insiders’ Accounts” – By Video, Andy Worthington Joins Event in Portland, August 1, 2013

August 2013

18. Bradley Manning, TV: Video: Andy Worthington Discusses the Bradley Manning Verdict on RT
19. Guantánamo, torture, video: Video: Culture of Impunity Part Two – Andy Worthington on Bush’s War Crimes, Bradley Manning and Guantánamo
20. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: Shaker Aamer and Other Guantánamo Prisoners Call Force-Feeding Torture, Ask Appeals Court for Help
21. Guantánamo campaigns: GTMO Clock Launched, 75 Days Since Obama’s Promise to Resume Releasing Prisoners from Guantánamo, and Six Months Since Hunger Strike Started
22. Shaker Aamer, UK politics, photos: Photos: Shaker Aamer Protest in London, and His Latest Message from Guantánamo
23. Guantánamo, Periodic Review Boards: Endless Injustice: Newly Announced Guantánamo Review Boards Will Be Toothless Unless Cleared Prisoners Are Freed
24. Guantánamo campaigns: Congratulations to John Grisham for Writing about the Injustice of Guantánamo
25. Guantánamo, hunger strikes: Guantánamo: British Ex-Intelligence Officer On Hunger Strike in Support of Shaker Aamer

September 2013

26. Guantánamo campaigns: GTMO Clock: 100 Days Since President Obama Promised to Resume Releasing Prisoners from Guantánamo, Just Two Men Freed
27. Prisoners released from Guantánamo: Who Are the Two Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Algeria?
28. Life after Guantánamo: Video: Al-Jazeera’s Powerful and Important Documentary, “Life After Guantánamo”
29. Guantánamo: Meet the Guantánamo Prisoner Who Wants to be Prosecuted Rather than Rot in Legal Limbo
30. Deaths at Guantánamo: Remember Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, Who Died at Guantánamo A Year Ago, Despite Being Cleared for Release
31. Guantánamo, Bagram, Al-Jazeera: Read My First Article for Al-Jazeera Calling for an End to the Injustice of Guantánamo and Bagram
32. Life after Guantánamo, hunger strikes: Ahmed Zuhair, Long-Term Former Hunger Striker at Guantánamo, Speaks
33. Close Guantánamo: Tom Wilner: President Obama Could Close Guantánamo Tomorrow If He Wanted To
34. Life after Guantánamo: Algeria’s Ongoing Persecution of Former Guantánamo Prisoner Abdul Aziz Naji
35. Omar Khadr: It’s Omar Khadr’s 27th Birthday: He’s Free from Guantánamo, but Still Unjustly Imprisoned in Canada
36. Torture: Andy Worthington Joins Film-Makers and Authors to Judge Contest for Short Films About Torture
37. Life after Guantánamo: Book and Video: Ahmed Errachidi, The Cook Who Became “The General” in Guantánamo
38. Close Guantánamo: Nothing to Celebrate Four Months After Obama’s Promise to Resume Releasing Cleared Prisoners from Guantánamo
39. Shaker Aamer, UK politics: Guantánamo Prisoner Shaker Aamer Complains to UK Tribunal About Intelligence Services’ Role in His Kidnapping and Torture

October 2013

40. Guantánamo, military commissions, Al-Jazeera: Read My Latest Article for Al-Jazeera on Guantánamo’s Military Commissions and the Surveillance State
41. Edward Snowden, surveillance, radio: Andy Worthington Talks to Voice of Russia About the Perils of Blanket Surveillance
42. Guantánamo, Shaker Aamer: In Court, Guantánamo Prisoner Shaker Aamer Asks for Independent Medical Evaluation
43. Guantánamo, Shaker Aamer: Clive Stafford Smith’s Support for an Independent Medical Evaluation for Shaker Aamer in Guantánamo
44. Guantánamo, radio: Radio: Andy Worthington Discusses the Ongoing Injustice of Guantánamo with Chuck Mertz on “This Is Hell”
45. Guantánamo, death row, radio: Reflections on Herman Wallace – and I Discuss Guantánamo on Radio Stations in Portland and Johannesburg
46. Shaker Aamer, photos: Photos: Free Shaker Aamer from Guantánamo, Parliamentary Vigil, October 9, 2013
47. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: Watch the Shocking New Animated Film About the Guantánamo Hunger Strike
48. Guantánamo, Periodic Review Boards: Some Progress on Guantánamo: The Envoy, the Habeas Case and the Periodic Reviews
49. Guantánamo lawyers: Lawyers Seek Release from Guantánamo of Tariq Al-Sawah, an Egyptian Prisoner Who is Very Ill
50. Guantánamo campaigns: Today, As Guantánamo Hunger Strikers Seek Relief in Washington Appeals Court, A US Protestor Will Be Force-Fed Outside
51. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: Although Two Men Weigh 75 Pounds or Less, Guantánamo Prisoner Moath Al-Alwi Says, “We Will Remain on Hunger Strike”
52. Guantánamo interviews: An Interview with Guantánamo Expert Andy Worthington for The Prisma, An Online Multi-Cultural Newspaper
53. Guantánamo media: How the Egyptian Media Has Reported the Story of Tariq Al-Sawah, a Severely Ill Prisoner in Guantánamo
54. Guantánamo campaigns: 150 Days of the GTMO Clock: Despite Obama’s Promise, Just Two out of 86 Cleared Prisoners Freed from Guantánamo
55. Omar Khadr: Lies and Injustice: Canada’s Ongoing Mistreatment of Omar Khadr
56. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, force-feeding: Will Appeals Court Judges Rule that Force-Feeding at Guantánamo Must Stop?
57. Military commissions, torture: Torture: The Elephant in the Room at Guantánamo’s Military Commissions

November 2013

58. Omar Khadr: How Canada Has Hidden the Truth About Omar Khadr: US War Crimes, Institutional Racism and Media Failures
59. Torture, extraordinary rendition: Third Victim of CIA Torture in Poland Granted Victim Status, as European Court of Human Rights Prepares to Hear Evidence
60. Close Guantánamo: Will the End of War in Afghanistan Spur Obama to Close Guantánamo?
61. Guantánamo: Andy Worthington Attends Amnesty Film Screening About Guantánamo in Canterbury, and a Day for Shaker Aamer in Battersea, Nov. 13 and 23
62. Torture, extraordinary rendition: African Human Rights Commission Hears Evidence About CIA Rendition and Torture Case from 2003
63. David Hicks, military commissions: Former Guantánamo Prisoner David Hicks Appeals His 2007 Conviction for Non-Existent War Crime
64. Omar Khadr, military commissions: “He Didn’t Commit a War Crime”: Omar Khadr’s US Lawyer Challenges His Conviction at Guantánamo
65. Close Guantánamo: Will Carl Levin’s Amendments to the NDAA Help President Obama Close Guantánamo?
66. Torture: New Report Condemns Role of Doctors, Psychologists and Psychiatrists as Torturers in Bush’s “War on Terror”
67. Guantánamo, torture, radio: Radio: Andy Worthington Discusses Guantánamo’s 12th Anniversary and Accountability for Torture with Scott Horton and Peter B. Collins
68. Close Guantánamo, Yemenis: Will A Rehabilitation Center Lead to the Release of the Cleared Yemeni Prisoners in Guantánamo?
69. Guantánamo campaigns: Award-Winning Soul Singer Esperanza Spalding Calls for Closure of Guantánamo in New Song, “We Are America”
70. Guantánamo, Shaker Aamer, TV: From Guantánamo, Shaker Aamer Says, “Tell the World the Truth,” as CBS Distorts the Reality of “Life at Gitmo”
71. Close Guantánamo: Senate Passes Bill to Help Close Guantánamo; Now President Obama Must Act
72. Omar Khadr, military commissions: Video: Omar Khadr’s US Lawyer, Sam Morison, Explains Why His Guantánamo War Crimes Conviction is a Disgrace
73. Guantánamo, torture: Penny Lane: What We Learned This Week About Double Agents at Guantánamo

December 2013

74. Palestinians in Guantánamo: Abandoned in Guantánamo: Mohammed Taha Mattan, an Innocent Palestinian
75. Algerians in Guantánamo: Meet the Cleared Algerian Prisoners in Guantánamo Who Fear Being Repatriated
76. Torture, extraordinary rendition: European Court of Human Rights Hears Evidence About CIA Torture Prison in Poland
77. Shaker Aamer: Shaker Aamer’s Latest Words from Guantánamo, and a Parliamentary Meeting on Human Rights Day
78. Torture, extraordinary rendition, radio: Radio: Andy Worthington Discusses the European Court of Human Rights’ Hearing About Poland’s CIA Torture Prison on Voice of Russia
79. Prisoners released from Guantánamo: President Obama Forcibly Repatriates Two Algerians from Guantánamo
80. Guantánamo, Periodic Review Boards, Al-Jazeera: Read My Latest Article for Al-Jazeera About the Problems with Guantánamo’s New Review Boards
81. Guantánamo, hunger strikes, Shaker Aamer: Hunger Strike Resumes at Guantánamo, as Shaker Aamer Loses 30 Pounds in Weight
82. Close Guantánamo: “Close Guantánamo,” Says Prison’s First Commander, Adds That It “Should Never Have Been Opened”
83. Prisoners released from Guantánamo: The Stories of the Two Guantánamo Prisoners Released to Saudi Arabia
84. Omar Khadr, military commissions: Omar Khadr Condemns His Guantánamo Plea Deal, As Canada Concedes He Is Not A “Maximum-Security Threat”
85. Prisoners released from Guantánamo: Two Sudanese Prisoners Released from Guantánamo, 79 Cleared Prisoners Remain
86. Close Guantánamo: How Congress Is Finally Helping President Obama to Release Prisoners from Guantánamo
87. Shaker Aamer: For Christmas, the Reverend Nicholas Mercer Calls for the Release of Shaker Aamer from Guantánamo, Denounces UK Involvement in Torture
88. Guantánamo anniversary: Close Guantánamo Now: Andy Worthington’s US Tour on the 12th Anniversary of the Prison’s Opening, January 2014

An archive of articles about British politics, July to December 2013

July to September 2013

1. Save Lewisham Hospital: Save Lewisham Hospital: Hopes that the Judicial Reviews Will Find Downgrade Plans Unlawful
2. Save Lewisham Hospital: Save Lewisham Hospital: The Submission to the Judicial Review by Dr. Helen Tattersfield, Chair of the CCG
3. Guantánamo, UK politics: Audio: Andy Worthington Speaks about Guantánamo at the “Independence from America” Protest at RAF Menwith Hill, July 4, 2013
4. Save Lewisham Hospital: Lewisham Hospital Saved! Judge Rules Jeremy Hunt’s Downgrade Plans Unlawful
5. Save Lewisham Hospital, photos: Photos: Victory for the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign
6. Save Lewisham Hospital: Save Lewisham Hospital: Events to Celebrate the Campaign’s Victory Over Jeremy Hunt
7. UK austerity: Disgusting Tory Britain: UN Housing Expert Attacked After Telling Government to Axe the Bedroom Tax
8. UK austerity: Petition and Protest: Stop This Callous Government’s Sickening War on the Disabled
9. Save Lewisham Hospital, photos: Photos: Save Lewisham Hospital Victory Parade and Rally, September 14, 2013
10. UK austerity: Is the Tide Turning Against the Tories, as Labour Pledges to Scrap the Bedroom Tax and Sack Atos?
11. Save Lewisham Hospital, photos: Photos: The Save Lewisham Hospital Victory Dance, September 27, 2013

October to December 2013

12. UK austerity, photos: Photos: The 10,000 Cuts and Counting Protest in Parliament Square, September 28, 2013
13. UK politics: London Events: Afghan War Protest, and Vigils for Talha Ahsan and Shaker Aamer, October 5-9, 2013
14. Save Lewisham Hospital: Appeal Court Victory for Lewisham Hospital – But Tories Respond with New Legislation to Close Dozens of Hospitals
15. UK austerity: Bonfires of Austerity: Anti-Tory Protests Across the UK on November 5, 2013
16. UK austerity, photos: Photos: Burning Effigies of Tories and Protesting About Austerity and PFI at the Bonfire of Cuts in Lewisham
17. London, housing crisis: Petition: Tell Boris Johnson Not to Approve the Monstrously Inappropriate Development Plans for Convoys Wharf in Deptford
18. Save the NHS: Save the NHS: Demonstrate in London to Save A&Es and Call for More Nurses
19. Save the NHS, photos: Save the NHS and Free Shaker Aamer from Guantánamo: Protest Photos, October and November 2013
20. UK civil liberties: Back in Print: The Battle of the Beanfield, Marking Margaret Thatcher’s Destruction of Britain’s Travellers
21. Save the NHS: Save the NHS: Sign the Petition to Stop Jeremy Hunt Closing Hospitals at Will + Lewisham Hospital Xmas Single

Andy Worthington is a freelance investigative journalist, activist, author, photographer and film-maker. He is the co-founder of the “Close Guantánamo” campaign, and the author of The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison (published by Pluto Press, distributed by Macmillan in the US, and available from Amazon — click on the following for the US and the UK) and of two other books: Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion and The Battle of the Beanfield. He is also the co-director (with Polly Nash) of the documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (available on DVD here — or here for the US).

To receive new articles in your inbox, please subscribe to Andy’s RSS feed — and he can also be found on Facebook (and here), Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. Also see the six-part definitive Guantánamo prisoner list, and “The Complete Guantánamo Files,” an ongoing, 70-part, million-word series drawing on files released by WikiLeaks in April 2011. Also see the definitive Guantánamo habeas list, the full military commissions list, and the chronological list of all Andy’s articles.

Please also consider joining the “Close Guantánamo” campaign, and, if you appreciate Andy’s work, feel free to make a donation.


17 Responses

  1. Andy Worthington says...

    On Facebook, Lubna ‘Bonnie’ Karim wrote:

    Watch out Andy Worthington I am worries about you following watches happening to Cage UK

  2. Andy Worthington says...

    I haven’t had anything to do with CAGE since the end of 2011, Lubna, and I missed what has been happening in recent months. However, Clive Stafford Smith of Reprieve just tweeted a link to a very good article by Peter Oborne in the Daily Telegraph about the harassment of CAGE, and I was shocked to hear about its bank accounts being closed down, and some of its key supporters being investigated:

  3. Andy Worthington says...

    Lubna ‘Bonnie’ Karim wrote:

    Andy Worthington I read the tweet and it’s SCARY!

  4. Andy Worthington says...

    Yes, I think it’s definitely troubling, Lubna, and of course the initial arrest of Moazzam Begg, which led to the intense focus on CAGE, is also problematical, as I’ve discussed before. I find it very troubling that, when Moazzam applied for bail, it was refused and there was a total media blackout on reporting anything at all about it – for reasons that have never been explained.
    Short article here by Karin Friedemann:
    My article about Moazzam’s arrest:
    And a radio show:

  5. Andy Worthington says...

    Karin Friedemann wrote:

    Please see also: Karin Friedemann: Assets Frozen of UK Human Rights NGO

  6. Andy Worthington says...

    Thanks for that, Karin. Much appreciated.

  7. Andy Worthington says...

    Malcolm Bush wrote:

    I have found cage to be a very good source of information. We get information from many sources and they are all tempered by the various influences upon them. The official British view and the main stream media simply do not make any sense at all; unless looked upon from the point of view of Israel, or unethical business. They have imprisoned Moazzam Begg when he could have been a key figure in sorting out the current mess. Things will only improve after they have removed the criminals that called for the invasion of Iraq and committed crimes against humanity.

  8. Andy Worthington says...

    Thank you, Malcolm. Very well put. Great to hear from you.

  9. Andy Worthington says...

    Paul Siemering wrote:

    just when you think it can’t get any crazier- Moazzam in Belmarsh, Cage frozen- these are major crimes against humanity…somebody make it stop

  10. Andy Worthington says...

    Willy Bach wrote:

    It is an astonishing and unique body of work, thanks Andy.

  11. Andy Worthington says...

    Lubna ‘Bonnie’ Karim wrote:

    Thanks for sharing Andy

  12. Andy Worthington says...

    Debra Sweet wrote:

    And it will be so helpful for the upcoming project we await!

  13. Andy Worthington says...

    Thanks, Paul, Willy, Lubna and Debra. Yes, Paul, what’s happening here in the UK is indeed worrying. I was just thinking today about how the Tories seem to have relaunched Britain’s counter-terrorism policies as though the shame and disgrace of 2001-2010 under New Labour – but always with their support – had never happened. Just when we should be getting over the post-9/11 hysteria, we seem, instead, to be getting a relaunched “war on terror”.
    And Willy, thanks as ever for your constant support of my work, which is very much appreciated.

  14. Andy Worthington says...

    Alis Castano wrote:

    Cover-Up in Guantanamo: Torturing to Death, Hiding and Fabricating Evidence, and Calling it Suicide

  15. Andy Worthington says...

    Thanks, Alis. Yes, that’s my friend Jeff Kaye’s important article, originally on Firedoglake:
    I covered parts of the story here, but Jeff’s contributions are significant:

  16. Andy Worthington says...

    Harry Veitch wrote:

    Close the evil place and burn it to the ground.

  17. Andy Worthington says...

    Thanks, Harry. Hard to argue with that!

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Andy Worthington

Investigative journalist, author, campaigner, commentator and public speaker. Recognized as an authority on Guantánamo and the “war on terror.” Co-founder, Close Guantánamo and We Stand With Shaker, singer/songwriter (The Four Fathers).
Email Andy Worthington

CD: Love and War

The Four Fathers on Bandcamp

The Guantánamo Files book cover

The Guantánamo Files

The Battle of the Beanfield book cover

The Battle of the Beanfield

Stonehenge: Celebration & Subversion book cover

Stonehenge: Celebration & Subversion

Outside The Law DVD cover

Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo


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