Updated for the eighth time in October 2022, this definitive Guantánamo prisoner list was first published in March 2009, and subsequently updated from four parts to six (see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6). I first updated it on January 1, 2010, and again on July 12, 2010, and I updated it for the third time at the start of June 2011, to mark the fourth anniversary of the start of my almost daily publication of articles about Guantánamo. That update also included previously unseen photos from the classified military files released by WikiLeaks, on which I worked as a media partner. It was updated for the fourth time on the first anniversary of WikiLeaks’ release of “The Guantánamo Files,” and was updated for the fifth time on March 7, 2014, five years after its first publication — an update that contained more photos from the files released by WikiLeaks. The sixth update in October 2016 contained additional photos, as well as important information about the status of the 61 prisoners still held at the time, and the seventh update took place between September and November 2018.
Please note that Part 1 covers ISN numbers (prisoner numbers) 1-133, Part 2 covers 134-268, Part 4 covers 497-661, Part 5 covers 662-928 and Part 6 covers 929-10029.
The definitive prisoner list is a key element of my ongoing work (now in its 17th year) calling for the closure of the US prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and telling the stories of the men held there. The first fruit of my initial research was my book The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison, in which I told the story of the prison at Guantánamo Bay, established, for the first time, a chronology explaining where and when the prisoners were seized, told the stories of around 450 of these prisoners, and provided a context for the circumstances in which the remainder of the prisoners were captured.
Since May 2007, I have written nearly 2,500 articles about Guantánamo, expanding on and updating my initial work, providing research, analysis and commentary, as well as regularly campaigning to get the prison closed — particularly via the Close Guantánamo campaign I established in 2012 with the US attorney Tom Wilner, and We Stand With Shaker, established in 2014 with the activist Joanne MacInnes, which played a part in securing the release of Shaker Aamer, the last British resident in the prison, in October 2015.
Along the way, I have covered the stories of the 343 prisoners released from Guantánamo since June 2007 — 142 under George W. Bush, 196 under Barack Obama, just one under Donald Trump, and, to date, four under President Biden — in unprecedented depth. I have also covered the stories of the 33 prisoners charged in Guantánamo’s military commissions (although around half of those charges were subsequently dropped, and only eight men have been convicted, with several of those convictions overturned on appeal), and I also covered the men’s habeas corpus petitions in detail from 2008 to 2011, until they were disgracefully shut down by appeals court judges in Washington, D.C. It’s worth noting, however, that one man succeeded in breaking this deadlock in October 2021, and is one of the four men freed under President Biden.
In President Obama’s last years, I assiduously covered the Periodic Review Boards, convened to assess the cases of 64 men who had not been approved for release or recommended for trials by an earlier review process, the Guantánamo Review Task Force. The PRB process began in November 2013, and resulted in 38 men being approved for release (of whom 36 were released before Obama left office), while 26 others had their ongoing imprisonment upheld. The PRBs largely ground to a halt under Donald Trump, and just one man was approved for release towards the end of his presidency. Since Joe Biden took office, however, 19 men have been approved for release by PRBs, although only two of them have, to date, actually been freed.
As a result of my work over the last 16 years, this is the most comprehensive list ever published of the 779 prisoners who have been held by the US military at Guantánamo, providing details of the 733 prisoners who have been released (and the dates of their release), the nine men who have died, the one man transferred to the US mainland for a trial, and the 36 prisoners who are still held (including the 22 men approved for release), as well as those designated for prosecution (currently nine of the remaining prisoners) or ongoing imprisonment without charge or trial, the “forever prisoners,” officially held indefinitely without charge or trial (but who are eligible for Periodic Review Boards), and who now number just three men.
It is my hope, as it has been since I established this prisoner list 13 years ago, that this project will provide an invaluable research tool for those seeking to understand how it came to pass that the government of the United States turned its back on domestic and international law, establishing torture as official US policy, and holding men without charge or trial neither as prisoners of war, protected by the Geneva Conventions, nor as criminal suspects to be put forward for trial in a federal court, but as “illegal enemy combatants.”
I also hope that it provides a compelling explanation of how that same government, under the leadership of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, established a prison in which the overwhelming majority of those held — at least 93 percent of the 779 men and boys imprisoned in total — were either completely innocent people, seized as a result of dubious intelligence or sold for bounty payments, or Taliban foot soldiers, recruited to fight an inter-Muslim civil war that began long before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and that had nothing to do with al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or international terrorism.
And finally, as Guantánamo remains open under President Biden (after Obama failed to close it, despite promising to do so on his second day in office, and after four years of almost complete inertia on the part of Donald Trump), I hope that it also provides useful information for those still seeking to close Guantánamo, and to bring to an end this bleak chapter in American history.
Andy Worthington, London, October 7, 2022
How to use the list
In the categories below, ISN refers to the Internment Serial Number by which the prisoners are (or were) known and identified in Guantánamo, followed by the prisoners’ status (released, cleared for release, still held, or, in nine cases, deceased), their names (with just some of the many different permutations noted, in some cases), their nationality, and links to articles I have written about them, or which include references to them, or references to chapters in The Guantánamo Files. Links on the release dates feed into articles published when the prisoners were released.
ISN – Status – Name – Nationality – References
662 Ahmed Sulayman (Jordan) RELEASED NOV 2007 Chapter 12
663 Reda Fadel El Weleli (Egypt) RELEASED JUL 2003 Torture and Terrorism: In the Middle East It’s 2011, In America It’s Still 2001, WikiLeaks and the 14 Missing Guantánamo Files, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Eight of Ten)
664 Rashid Al Uwaydah (Saudi Arabia) RELEASED MAY 2006 Website Extras 9, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Eight of Ten)
665 Sadee Eideov (Tajikistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 No information
666 Hezbullah (Afghanistan) RELEASED NOV 2003 WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part Five of Five)
667 Kari Mohammed Sarwar (Afghanistan) RELEASED JUL 2003 WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part Five of Five)
668 Abdul Al Hameed Andarr (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part Five of Five)
669 Ahmed Zaid Salim Zuhair (Saudi Arabia) RELEASED JUN 2009 Chapter 20, also see Guantánamo’s Long-Term Hunger Striker Should Be Sent Home, Secrecy Still Shrouds Guantánamo’s Five-Year Hunger Striker, Ahmed Zuhair, Long-Term Former Hunger Striker at Guantánamo, Speaks
670 Abdullah Hekmat (Afghanistan) RELEASED NOV 2007 Website Extras 11
671 Said Abassin (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2003 Chapter 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Eight of Ten)
672 Zakirjan Asam (Russia) RELEASED NOV 2006 (in Albania) Chapter 14, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Eight of Ten)
673 Alif Khan (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2003 Chapter 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Eight of Ten)
674 Timur Ishmuradov (Russia) RELEASED FEB 2004 Chapters 14, 18, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Eight of Ten)
675 Kamalludin Kasimbekov (Uzbekistan) RELEASED JULY 2010 (in Latvia), CLEARED (under Bush) Website Extras 11
676 Mohammed Anwarkurd (Iran) RELEASED AUG 2005 Website Extras 11, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part Four of Five)
677 Mohammed Wazir (Afghanistan) RELEASED NOV 2003 Chapter 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Eight of Ten)
678 Fawaz Mahdi (Yemen) RELEASED JUN 2007 Chapter 14
679 Mohammed Tahir (Tahar, Taher) (Yemen) RELEASED DEC 2009 Chapter 13, also see Guantánamo: A Prison Built On Lies, Judge Orders Release from Guantánamo of Russian Caught in Abu Zubaydah’s Web, Why is a Yemeni Student in Guantánamo, Cleared on Three Occasions, Still Imprisoned?
680 Emad Hassan (Yemen) RELEASED JUN 2015 (in Oman), CLEARED (under Obama) Chapter 13, also see Guantánamo: A Prison Built On Lies, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), The Guantánamo Experiment: A Harrowing Letter by Yemeni Prisoner Emad Hassan, Guantánamo Prisoner Force-Fed Since 2007 Launches Historic Legal Challenge, Nine Years of Hunger Strikes and Force-Feeding at Guantánamo: A Declaration in Support of Emad Hassan by Clive Stafford Smith, Long-Term Guantánamo Hunger Striker Emad Hassan Describes the Torture of Force-Feeding, Two More Guantánamo Hunger Strikers Ask Judges to Order Government to Preserve Video Evidence of Force-Feeding, Radio: Andy Worthington Discusses Guantánamo with Linda Olson-Osterlund on KBOO FM in Portland, “Most of the Hunger Strikers Are Vomiting on the Torture Chairs”: Emad Hassan’s Latest Harrowing Letter from Guantánamo, Guantánamo Violence: Prisoners Report Shaker Aamer “Beaten,” Another Man Assaulted “For Nearly Two Hours”, 76 US Lawmakers Ask Obama to Let Them See Guantánamo Force-Feeding Videos, Emad Hassan’s Story: How Knowing a Town Called Al-Qa’idah Got Him 13 Years in Guantánamo
681 Mohammed Hassen (Mohammed Hassan Odaini) (Yemen) RELEASED JULY 2010, WON HABEAS PETITION (May 2010), CLEARED (under Bush) Chapter 13, mentioned in Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, also see Guantánamo: A Prison Built On Lies, Why Obama Must Continue Releasing Yemenis From Guantánamo, Why is a Yemeni Student in Guantánamo, Cleared on Three Occasions, Still Imprisoned?, Obama Thinks About Releasing Innocent Yemenis from Guantánamo, Obama’s Moral Bankruptcy Regarding Torture, Mocking the Law, Judges Rule that Evidence Is Not Necessary to Hold Insignificant Guantánamo Prisoners for the Rest of Their Lives, Video: Al-Jazeera’s Powerful and Important Documentary, “Life After Guantánamo”
682 Ghassan Al Sharbi (Abdullah al-Sharbi) (Saudi Arabia) CLEARED FOR RELEASE BY PRB (Feb 2022), NOT CLEARED BY PRB (July 2016) Chapters 13, 19, MILITARY COMMISSION (charges dropped, reinstated), also see Doing The Right Thing, Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), Tyler Cabot’s Important Profile of Guantánamo Prisoner Noor Uthman Muhammed for Esquire, mentioned in Long-Term Guantánamo Hunger Striker Emad Hassan Describes the Torture of Force-Feeding, The Last Russian in Guantánamo and an Alleged Saudi Bomb-Maker Seek Release Via Periodic Review Boards, Rare Words From Guantánamo, From “Forever Prisoner” Ghassan Al-Sharbi, No Escape from Guantánamo: Former Child Prisoner Boycotts Broken Review Process, Calls It “Hopeless”
683 Fayad Yahya Ahmed (al-Rami) (Yemen) RELEASED DEC 2009 Chapter 13, also see Guantánamo: A Prison Built On Lies, Judge Orders Release from Guantánamo of Russian Caught in Abu Zubaydah’s Web, Why is a Yemeni Student in Guantánamo, Cleared on Three Occasions, Still Imprisoned?
684 Mohammed Tahamuttan (Taha Mattan) (Palestine) RELEASED DEC 2014 (in Uruguay), CLEARED (under Obama), CLEARED (under Bush) Website Extras 10, mentioned in Who Are the Two Guantánamo Prisoners Freed in Germany?, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), Abandoned in Guantánamo: Mohammed Taha Mattan, an Innocent Palestinian, Uruguay’s President Mujica Confirms Offer of New Home for Six Guantánamo Prisoners, Guantánamo Lawyers Urge Obama Administration to Approve Release of Six Men to Uruguay, New Life in Uruguay for Six Former Guantánamo Prisoners, Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Uruguay Struggle to Adapt to Freedom, Strangers in a Strange Land: My Interview About the Struggles of the Six Men Freed from Guantánamo in Uruguay, Former Hunger Striker Abu Wa’el Dhiab and Other Guantánamo Prisoners Freed in Uruguay Discuss Their Problems, Der Spiegel Publishes Detailed Profile of the Former Guantánamo Prisoners in Uruguay, Struggling to Adapt to a New Life
685 Said Bakush (Saeed Bakhouche, Abdelrazak Ali) (Algeria) CLEARED FOR RELEASE BY PRB (April 2022), NOT CLEARED BY PRB (Jul 2016), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Jan 2011) Website Extras 10, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), Algerian in Guantánamo Loses Habeas Petition for Being in a Guest House with Abu Zubaydah, Updated: My Definitive List of the Guantánamo Habeas Corpus Results, The Man They Don’t Know: Saeed Bakhouche, an Algerian, Faces a Periodic Review Board at Guantánamo, As Guantánamo Enters Its 17th Year of Operations, Lawyers Hit Trump with Lawsuit Stating That His Blanket Refusal to Release Anyone Amounts to Arbitrary Detention, In Guantánamo Habeas Corpus Case, Lawyers Insist That Trump’s Stated Intention of Not Releasing Any Prisoners Renders Their Imprisonment “Perpetual” — and Illegal, Tomorrow, Lawyers Will Argue in Court That Donald Trump’s Guantánamo Policy Is “Arbitrary, Unlawful, and Motivated by Executive Hubris and Anti-Muslim Animus”, included in Really? Trump Lawyer Argues in Court that Guantánamo Prisoners Can Be Held for 100 Years Without Charge or Trial, No Escape from Guantánamo: Former Child Prisoner Boycotts Broken Review Process, Calls It “Hopeless”, Fighting Guantánamo in the Courts Under President Biden
686 Abdel Hakim (Yemen) RELEASED NOV 2014 (in Georgia), CLEARED (under Obama) Chapter 13, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3)
687 Abdul Aziz Al Noofayaee (Saudi Arabia) RELEASED JUN 2009 Chapter 13, also see Guantánamo: A Prison Built On Lies, Judge Orders Release from Guantánamo of Russian Caught in Abu Zubaydah’s Web, Why is a Yemeni Student in Guantánamo, Cleared on Three Occasions, Still Imprisoned?
688 Fahmi Ahmed (Yemen) RELEASED JAN 2016 (in Oman) Chapter 13, mentioned in Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, also see Guantánamo: A Prison Built On Lies, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3)
689 Mohamed Salam (Yemen) RELEASED JAN 2015 (in Oman), CLEARED (under Obama) Chapter 13, also see Guantánamo: A Prison Built On Lies, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3)
690 Ahmed Abdul Qader (Abdul al-Qader Ahmed Hussain, Abdul Qader Ahmed Hussein) (Yemen) RELEASED JAN 2015 (in Estonia), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Oct 2011), CLEARED (under Obama) Chapter 13, mentioned in Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), As Judges Kill Off Habeas Corpus for the Guantánamo Prisoners, Will the Supreme Court Act?, Judge Calls for An End to Unjust Provisions Governing Guantánamo Prisoners’ Habeas Corpus Petitions, Updated: My Definitive List of the Guantánamo Habeas Corpus Results, Life After Guantánamo: Yemeni Freed in Estonia Says, “Part of Me is Still at Guantánamo”, A Rare Court Victory Offers Hope for Guantánamo’s “Forever Prisoners”
691 Mohammed Al Zarnuki (Yemen) RELEASED JUN 2015 (in Oman), CLEARED (under Obama) Chapter 13, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3)
692 Alla Ali Bin Ali Ahmed (Yemen) RELEASED SEP 2009, WON HABEAS PETITION (May 09) Chapter 13, also see Judge Condemns “Mosaic” Of Guantánamo Intelligence, And Unreliable Witnesses, Guantánamo: A Prison Built On Lies, Guantánamo As Hotel California: You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave, Guantánamo And The Courts (Part Three): Obama’s Continuing Shame, 75 Guantánamo Prisoners Cleared For Release; 31 Could Leave Today, Why Obama Must Continue Releasing Yemenis From Guantánamo, Judge Orders Release from Guantánamo of Russian Caught in Abu Zubaydah’s Web, Why is a Yemeni Student in Guantánamo, Cleared on Three Occasions, Still Imprisoned?, Does Obama Really Know or Care About Who Is at Guantánamo?, Abandoned in Guantánamo: WikiLeaks Reveals the Yemenis Cleared for Release for Up to Seven Years, mentioned in It’s Ten Years Since the Supreme Court Granted Habeas Corpus Rights to the Guantánamo Prisoners, a Legal Triumph Until a Lower Court Took Them Away
693 Ali Abdullah Ahmed Al Salami (Salah Ahmed al-Salami) (Yemen) DIED IN GUANTANAMO JUN 2006 Chapters 13, 19, also see Second Anniversary of Triple Suicide at Guantánamo, Guantánamo Suicide Report: Truth or Travesty?, Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, Guantánamo: A Prison Built On Lies, Murders at Guantánamo: Scott Horton of Harper’s Exposes the Truth about the 2006 “Suicides”, Why is a Yemeni Student in Guantánamo, Cleared on Three Occasions, Still Imprisoned?, Omar Deghayes and Terry Holdbrooks Discuss Guantánamo (Part Three): Deaths at the Prison, Suicide or Murder at Guantánamo?, Murders at Guantánamo: The Cover-Up Continues, UN Secret Detention Report (Part One): The CIA’s “High-Value Detainee” Program and Secret Prisons, US Court Denies Justice to Dead Men at Guantánamo, On the 5th Anniversary of the Disputed Guantánamo “Suicides,” Jeff Kaye Defends Scott Horton, Relatives of Disputed Guantánamo Suicides Speak Out As Families Appeal in US Court, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Eight of Ten), The Season of Death at Guantánamo, New Evidence Casts Doubt on US Claims that Three Guantánamo Deaths in 2006 Were Suicides, Remembering the Season of Death at Guantánamo, Video: RT America’s One-Hour Special on Guantánamo Featuring Andy Worthington, Joe Hickman, Nancy Hollander and Tom Wilner, Remembering Guantánamo’s Dead, Another Sad, Forgotten Anniversary for Guantánamo’s Dead, Remembering Guantánamo’s Dead, 12 Years After the Three Notorious Alleged Suicides of June 2006, 13 Years Ago, Three Men Died at Guantánamo, Victims of a Brutal Regime of Lawlessness That Is Fundamentally Unchanged Today, Never Forget: The “Season of Death” at Guantánamo, The 15th Anniversary of the Contentious “Triple Suicide” of Three Prisoners at Guantánamo, Video: I Discuss Resistance and Creativity at Guantánamo and the Plight of Former Prisoners with Mansoor Adayfi, The 16th Anniversary of the Implausible “Triple Suicide” at Guantánamo
694 Sufyian Barhoumi (Algeria) RELEASED APRIL 2022, CLEARED BY PRB (Aug 2016), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Sep 2009), LOST APPEAL (Jun 2010) Chapter 13, MILITARY COMMISSION (charges dropped, reinstated), mentioned in Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, also see Guantánamo and Habeas Corpus: Prisoners Win 3 out of 4 Cases, But Lose 5 out of 6 in Court of Appeals (Part One), In Abu Zubaydah’s Case, Court Relies on Propaganda and Lies, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), Meet the Guantánamo Prisoner Who Wants to be Prosecuted Rather than Rot in Legal Limbo, A Few Surprises in the New Guantánamo Prisoner List, Plea Deals in Federal Court Mooted for Guantánamo Prisoners in Next Year’s National Defense Authorization Act, Sufyian Barhoumi, An Extremely Well-Behaved Algerian, Seeks Release from Guantánamo Via Periodic Review Board, Emptying Guantánamo: Obama to Release 17 or 18 Prisoners Before Trump Takes Over, Review Boards Approve Ongoing Imprisonment of Three More Prisoners at Guantánamo, Even As Lawmakers Urge Donald Trump to Scrap Them, Abdul Latif Nasser: Facing life in Guantánamo (for Al-Jazeera), Sufyian Barhoumi, the Peaceful Algerian Cleared for Release But Still Trapped in Guantánamo, Guantánamo Lawyer: It is “Entirely Unprecedented” for Trump to “Take the Position That There Will Be No Transfers out of Guantánamo Without Regard to the Facts”, Trump’s Personal Prisoners at Guantánamo: The Five Men Cleared for Release But Still Held, President Elect Biden, It’s Time to Close Guantánamo, mentioned in On the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the US Needs to Close Guantánamo and Bring to an End the Broken Military Commission Trials, Video: The “Disrupt, Confront, and Close Guantánamo” 20th Anniversary Virtual Rally on Jan. 11, 2022, Two Radio Shows: I Discuss Guantánamo with Buz Eisenberg and Misty Winston
695 Omar Mohammed Khalifh (Omar Abu Bakr) (Libya) RELEASED APR 2016 (in Senegal), forcibly repatriated to Libya in 2018, where he was imprisoned for two years, released and imprisoned again, CLEARED BY PRB (Sep 2015), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Apr 2010) Chapter 12, also see Judge Denies Habeas Petition of an Ill and Abused Libyan in Guantánamo, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), Shrapnel-Damaged Libyan Amputee Seeks Release from Guantánamo via Periodic Review Board, Betrayal: Senegal Prepares to Send Two Former Guantánamo Prisoners Back to Libya, Where They Face Imprisonment, Torture and Even Execution, Update on Senegal’s Dire Determination to Send Back to Libya Two Former Guantánamo Prisoners Granted Humanitarian Asylum in 2016, Sad Confirmation that Second Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner Resettled in Senegal Has Been Forcibly Returned to Libya, Where His Life Is At Risk, As Two Former Guantánamo Prisoners Disappear in Libya After Repatriation from Asylum in Senegal, There Are Fears for 150 Others Resettled in Third Countries, Guantánamo’s Lost Diaspora: How Donald Trump’s Closure of the Office Monitoring Ex-Prisoners is Bad for Them – and US Security, The Shameful Human Cost of Inertia at Joe Biden’s Guantánamo
696 Jabran Al Qahtani (Saudi Arabia) RELEASED JAN 2017, CLEARED BY PRB (Nov 2016) Chapter 13, MILITARY COMMISSION (charges dropped, reinstated), mentioned in Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), Alleged Al-Qaida Bomb-Maker Faces Periodic Review Board at Guantánamo
697-698 NO ISN (probably Omar Ghramesh and an unnamed teenager, captured with Abu Zubaydah and rendered to Syria; also see 180, 212, 241, 544, 548 and 583, above)
699 Din Mohammed Farhad (Afghanistan) RELEASED SEP 2004 Website Extras 9, mentioned in Moazzam Begg Visits Pakistan: My Return to the Scene of the Crime, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
700 Mohammed Al Ghazali Babikir (Sudan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 13, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
701 Jamal Kiyemba (UK-Uganda) RELEASED FEB 2006 Chapters 13, 14, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Eight of Ten)
702 Ravil Mingazov (Russia) RELEASED JAN 2017 (in UAE), but subsequently imprisoned and threatened with forcible repatriation to Russia, CLEARED BY PRB (Jul 2016), WON HABEAS PETITION (May 2010) Chapter 13, also see Guantánamo Transcripts: Ghost Prisoners Speak After Five And A Half Years, and “9/11 hijacker” Recants His Tortured Confession, Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, Bringing Guantánamo To New York, Judge Orders Release from Guantánamo of Russian Caught in Abu Zubaydah’s Web, Why is a Yemeni Student in Guantánamo, Cleared on Three Occasions, Still Imprisoned?, In Abu Zubaydah’s Case, Court Relies on Propaganda and Lies, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), The Black Hole of Guantánamo: The Sad Story of Ravil Mingazov, A Few Surprises in the New Guantánamo Prisoner List, Guantánamo Lawyers Complain About Slow Progress of Periodic Review Boards, Video: RT America’s One-Hour Special on Guantánamo Featuring Andy Worthington, Joe Hickman, Nancy Hollander and Tom Wilner, The Last Russian in Guantánamo and an Alleged Saudi Bomb-Maker Seek Release Via Periodic Review Boards, Guantánamo Scandal: The Released Prisoners Languishing in Secretive Detention in the UAE, Guantánamo’s Lost Diaspora: How Donald Trump’s Closure of the Office Monitoring Ex-Prisoners is Bad for Them – and US Security, After Years in Secret Prisons, UAE Threatens Unsafe Repatriations to Yemen for Former Guantánamo Prisoners, Video: I Discuss Resistance and Creativity at Guantánamo and the Plight of Former Prisoners with Mansoor Adayfi
703 Labed Ahmed (Ahmed Labed) (Algeria) RELEASED NOV 2008 Chapter 13, also see Judge Orders Release from Guantánamo of Russian Caught in Abu Zubaydah’s Web, Algerian in Guantánamo Loses Habeas Petition for Being in a Guest House with Abu Zubaydah
704 Mohammed Hussein Abdallah (Somalia) RELEASED NOV 2008 Chapter 13
705 Mustafa Hamlili (Algeria) RELEASED JUL 2008 Chapter 13, also see WikiLeaks and the 14 Missing Guantánamo Files
706 Mohammed Al Amin (Mauritania) RELEASED SEP 2007 Chapters 13, 14
707 Noor Uthman Muhammed (Sudan) RELEASED DEC 2013, ACCEPTED MILITARY COMMISSION PLEA DEAL (34-month sentence, Feb 2011) Chapter 13, MILITARY COMMISSION (charges dropped, reinstated), mentioned in Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, also see MILITARY COMMISSION (under Obama), Bin Laden Cook Expected to Serve Two More Years at Guantánamo – And Some Thoughts on the Remaining Sudanese Prisoners, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), Obama’s Collapse: The Return of the Military Commissions, Hiding Horrific Tales of Torture: Why The US Government Reached A Plea Deal with Guantánamo Prisoner Noor Uthman Muhammed, After Recent Ruling in the Case of Bin Laden’s Cook, Guantánamo Should Close by July 2012, Carol Rosenberg on the “Prison within a Prison” at Guantánamo for Four Convicted “War Criminals”, Tyler Cabot’s Important Profile of Guantánamo Prisoner Noor Uthman Muhammed for Esquire, US Military Admits Only 2.5 Percent of All Prisoners Ever Held at Guantánamo Will Be Tried, The collapse of Guantánamo’s military commissions (for Al-Jazeera)
708 Ismael Ali Bakush (Ismael Al Bakush) (Libya) CLEARED FOR RELEASE BY PRB (September 2022), NOT CLEARED BY PRB (Aug 2016) Website Extras 10, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), Libyan Who Abandoned Habeas Corpus Petition, Citing Its “Futility,” Asks Review Board to Approve His Release from Guantánamo, Guantánamo’s Periodic Review Boards: The Escape Route Shut Down by Donald Trump, The US’s Ongoing “Forever Prisoner” Problem at Guantánamo
709 Abdul Rauf Al Qassim (Libya) RELEASED FEB 2010 (in Albania), CLEARED (under Bush) Website Extras 10, Return to torture: cleared Guantánamo detainee Abdul Rauf al-Qassim fears return to Libya
710 Salim Muhood Adem (Amir, bin Amir) (Sudan) RELEASED DEC 2007 Chapter 13, also see Sudanese ex-Guantánamo detainees demand release of fellow citizens and compensation for “mental and physical torture”, More Evidence of the Use of Water Torture at Guantánamo and in Afghanistan and Iraq
711 Hassan Hamid (Jordan) RELEASED NOV 2003 Chapter 13, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
712 Hammad Gadallah (Sudan) RELEASED JUL 2005 Chapter 13, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part Four of Five)
713 Mohammed Al Zahrani (Saudi Arabia) RELEASED NOV 2014, CLEARED BY PRB (Oct 2014) Website Extras 10, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), Saudi Prisoner Muhammad Al-Zahrani Seeks Release from Guantánamo via Periodic Review Board
714 Rashid Ahmad (Sudan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 13, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
715 Hussain Mustafa (Jordan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapters 13, 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
716 Ala Salim (Egypt) RELEASED NOV 2006 (in Albania) Chapters 13, 19, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Eight of Ten)
717 Abdulhadi Bin Hadiddi (Hedi Hammamy) (Tunisia) RELEASED Mar 2010 (in Georgia), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Apr 2009), CLEARED (under Bush) Website Extras 10, Farce at Guantánamo, as cleared prisoner’s habeas petition is denied, Guantánamo And The Courts (Part Two): Obama’s Shame, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), What Does Tunisia’s Revolution Mean for Political Prisoners, Including Guantánamo Detainees?, The Anguish of Hedi Hammami, A Tunisian Released from Guantánamo in 2010, But Persecuted in His Homeland, A Dream of Freedom Soured: Former Guantánamo Prisoners in Tunisia Face Ongoing Persecution
718 Fethi Boucetta (Algeria) RELEASED NOV 2006 (in Albania) Chapter 13, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Eight of Ten)
719 Mustafa Al Hassan (Sudan) RELEASED OCT 2008 Website Extras 10
720 Amir Yacoub Al Amir (Yacoub Mahmoud) (Sudan) RELEASED MAY 2008 Website Extras 10
721 Abdullah Bin Omar (Tunisia) RELEASED JUN 2007 (imprisoned in Tunisia, but released Feb 2011) Website Extras 10, “We would rather be back in Guantánamo”, Out of Guantánamo and into the fire, What Does Tunisia’s Revolution Mean for Political Prisoners, Including Guantánamo Detainees?, Guantánamo: A Tale of Two Tunisians, Torture and Terrorism: In the Middle East It’s 2011, In America It’s Still 2001, Tunisians Call for the Release of Prisoners in Guantánamo, mentioned in A Dream of Freedom Soured: Former Guantánamo Prisoners in Tunisia Face Ongoing Persecution
722 Abu Wa’el Diyab (Jihad Dhiab) (Syria) RELEASED DEC 2014 (in Uruguay), CLEARED (under Obama) Website Extras 10, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), Don’t Forget the Hunger Strike at Guantánamo, Guantánamo Stories: 19 of the 43 Men Being Force-Fed in the Prison-Wide Hunger Strike, Shaker Aamer and Other Prisoners Ask US Court to Stop the Force-Feeding and Forced Medication at Guantánamo, Justice Department Tells Court that Force-Feeding Guantánamo Hunger Strikers is “Maintaining the Status Quo”, Shaker Aamer and Other Guantánamo Prisoners Call Force-Feeding Torture, Ask Appeals Court for Help, Watch the Shocking New Animated Film About the Guantánamo Hunger Strike, Today, As Guantánamo Hunger Strikers Seek Relief in Washington Appeals Court, A US Protestor Will Be Force-Fed Outside, US Appeals Court Rules that Guantánamo Prisoners Can Challenge Force-Feeding, and Their Conditions of Detention, Breakthrough on Guantánamo: Judge Orders US Government to Stop Force-Feeding Syrian Prisoner and to Preserve Video Evidence, Uruguay’s President Mujica Confirms Offer of New Home for Six Guantánamo Prisoners, For First Time, US Judge Orders Government to Release Videotapes of Force-Feeding to Guantánamo Prisoner’s Lawyers, Judge Reluctantly Allows US to Resume Force-Feeding Guantánamo Hunger Striker, Radio: Andy Worthington Discusses Guantánamo with Linda Olson-Osterlund on KBOO FM in Portland, Waiting for progress on Guantánamo (for Al-Jazeera), The Latest News on the Guantánamo Force-Feeding Videotapes, and the Prisoners’ Ongoing Legal Challenges, “I Had Trouble Sleeping,” Lawyer Says After Viewing Guantánamo Force-Feeding Videos, Guantánamo Lawyers Urge Obama Administration to Approve Release of Six Men to Uruguay, For the First Time, A Nurse at Guantánamo Refuses to Take Part in Force-Feedings, Calls Them a “Criminal Act”, Guantánamo Hunger Striker Abu Wa’el Dhiab’s Wife Calls for Videos of his Force-Feeding to be Made Public, US Judge Orders Guantánamo Authorities to Allow Independent Doctors to Assess Health of Hunger Striker Abu Wa’el Dhiab, “Most of the Hunger Strikers Are Vomiting on the Torture Chairs”: Emad Hassan’s Latest Harrowing Letter from Guantánamo, The Despair of Guantánamo’s Most Prominent Hunger Striker, Judge in Guantánamo Force-Feeding Case Rejects Government’s Call for Secret Hearing, In Ground-Breaking Ruling, US Judge Gladys Kessler Orders Guantánamo Force-Feeding Videos to be Made Public, Experts Deliver Damning Testimony at Guantánamo Force-Feeding Trial, Judge Grants Government a Month’s Delay in Release of Guantánamo Force-Feeding Videotapes, 76 US Lawmakers Ask Obama to Let Them See Guantánamo Force-Feeding Videos, Disappointment as US Judge Upholds Force-Feeding of Hunger Striking Guantánamo Prisoner Abu Wa’el Dhiab, UN Says Force-Feeding at Guantánamo Constitutes Ill-Treatment in Violation of the Convention Against Torture, New Life in Uruguay for Six Former Guantánamo Prisoners, Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Uruguay Struggle to Adapt to Freedom, Strangers in a Strange Land: My Interview About the Struggles of the Six Men Freed from Guantánamo in Uruguay, Sen. Dianne Feinstein Urges Pentagon to End “Unnecessary” Force-Feeding at Guantánamo, Former Hunger Striker Abu Wa’el Dhiab and Other Guantánamo Prisoners Freed in Uruguay Discuss Their Problems, Former Guantánamo Prisoner Asim Al-Khalaqi Dies in Kazakhstan, Four Months After Being Freed, “Petty and Nasty”: Guantánamo Commander Bans Lawyers From Bringing Food to Share with Prisoners, Appeals Court Refuses to Allow Government to Block Release of Guantánamo Force-Feeding Tapes, Der Spiegel Publishes Detailed Profile of the Former Guantánamo Prisoners in Uruguay, Struggling to Adapt to a New Life, US Judge Orders Release of Guantánamo Force-Feeding Tapes, Condemns Government Delays, After Four-Year Legal Struggle, Judges Support Government Claims That Videotapes of Force-Feeding at Guantánamo Must Remain Secret, Guantánamo’s Lost Diaspora: How Donald Trump’s Closure of the Office Monitoring Ex-Prisoners is Bad for Them – and US Security
723-725 NO ISN
726 Menhal Al Henali (Syria) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 13, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
727 Omar Deghayes (UK-Libya) RELEASED DEC 2007 Chapters 13, 14, 15, also see The testimony of Guantánamo detainee Omar Deghayes, Deals with dictators undermined by British request for return of five British detainees, British Residents in Guantánamo: the backlash begins, Guantánamo Britons To Be Released: A Mixed Result, The Guantánamo Britons and Spain’s dubious extradition request, Spanish drop “inhuman” extradition request for Guantánamo Britons, WORLD EXCLUSIVE: New Revelations About The Torture Of Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, When Torture Kills: Ten Murders In US Prisons In Afghanistan, Former prisoners launch the Guantánamo Justice Centre in London, NEW FILM: Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo, Photos from the launch of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”, UK Judge Approves Use of Secret Evidence in Guantánamo Case, Video: Andy Worthington Discusses Guantánamo, Plus Clips From “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”, Video: Q&A with Moazzam Begg, Omar Deghayes, Andy Worthington and Polly Nash at the Launch of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”, The Guardian interviews Omar Deghayes: “The spirit is what makes us who we are”, White House Repeats Pentagon Lies About Guantánamo “Recidivists”, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”: Report on screenings in Bradford and Norwich, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”: 500 turn up for Kent screening, plus report on SOAS and UCL events, Video: Omar Deghayes Discusses British Complicity in Torture in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Guantánamo, A warm Scottish welcome for “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”, An interview with Omar Deghayes, following Kent screening of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”, Video: Q&A session at Glasgow screening of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” with Omar Deghayes, Andy Worthington and Aamer Anwar, UK Appeals Court Rules Out Government’s Use of Secret Evidence in Guantánamo Damages Claim, House Kills Plan to Close Guantánamo, Omar Deghayes and Terry Holdbrooks Discuss Guantánamo (Part One): Omar’s Story, Omar Deghayes and Terry Holdbrooks Discuss Guantánamo (Part Two): Terry’s Story, Omar Deghayes and Terry Holdbrooks Discuss Guantánamo (Part Three): Deaths at the Prison, UN Secret Detention Report (Part Three): Proxy Detention, Other Countries’ Complicity, and Obama’s Record, A Cautious Welcome for British Torture Inquiry, UK Sought Rendition of British Nationals to Guantánamo; Tony Blair Directly Involved, Omar Deghayes Complains About “Highly Selective” Disclosure of UK Documents Relating to his Interrogations in Bagram and Guantánamo, As the UK Government Announces Compensation for Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners, Is the Return of Shaker Aamer Part of the Deal?, The UK Government’s Guantánamo Guilt, and the Urgent Need for Shaker Aamer’s Return, A Statement from Former Prisoner Omar Deghayes on the 9th Anniversary of the Opening of Guantánamo, “High-Value Detainee” Abu Zubaydah Blinded By the Bush Administration, A Good Day for Justice: British Supreme Court Bans Use of Secret Evidence by Intelligence Services, New Revelations About The Use of Water Torture at Guantánamo, An End to Gaddafi’s Tyranny: The Liberation of the Hated Abu Salim Prison, On Guantánamo’s 10th Anniversary, British Ex-Prisoners Talk About Their Lives, and Call for the Release of Shaker Aamer, To Mark 10 Years of Guantánamo, Stern Magazine Profiles Five Former Prisoners, Six Years in Hell: Former Prisoner Omar Deghayes Recalls Bagram and Guantánamo, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”: Amnesty Screening in Lewes with Andy Worthington, Omar Deghayes, Caroline Lucas and Norman Baker, October 21, 2012, A Message from Omar Deghayes on the 11th Anniversary of the Opening of Guantánamo, Omar Deghayes and Andy Worthington Discuss Guantánamo at Sussex University, January 29, 2013, Guantánamo and Shaker Aamer: Andy Worthington and Omar Deghayes in Conversation on Radio Free Brighton, Andy Worthington and Omar Deghayes Discuss Aafia Siddiqui in East London, Saturday February 23, 2013, 25 Former Prisoners Urge President Obama to Close Guantánamo, Judge Recognizes Force-Feeding as Torture, But Tells Guantánamo Prisoner Only President Obama Can Deal with the Hunger Strike, Guantánamo Hunger Striker Abu Wa’el Dhiab: “The Mistreatment Now is More Severe than During Bush”, mentioned in Great New York Times Exposé of How Torture, Abuse and Command Indifference Compromised Psychiatric Care at Guantánamo, Video: “Zone of Non-Being: Guantánamo,” Featuring Andy Worthington, Omar Deghayes, Clive Stafford Smith, Michael Ratner, Update on Senegal’s Dire Determination to Send Back to Libya Two Former Guantánamo Prisoners Granted Humanitarian Asylum in 2016, Sad Confirmation that Second Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner Resettled in Senegal Has Been Forcibly Returned to Libya, Where His Life Is At Risk, WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner Salem Gherebi’s Letter Explaining Why He Voluntarily Returned to Libya from Senegal Despite the Danger in Doing So, UK Torture: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner’s Memories Provide A Reminder That We Need Accountability, Standing the Test of Time: “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo”
728 Jamil Nassir (Yemen) RELEASED AUG 2016 (in UAE), but subsequently imprisoned; forcibly repatriated to Yemen in July 2021 Chapter 13, mentioned in Lost in Guantánamo: The Faisalabad 16, also see Judge Orders Release from Guantánamo of Russian Caught in Abu Zubaydah’s Web, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Six: Captured in Pakistan (2 of 3), mentioned in “It’s Going to End in Men Dying”: Carlos Warner, Guantánamo Attorney, Discusses the Hunger Strike, After Years in Secret Prisons, UAE Threatens Unsafe Repatriations to Yemen for Former Guantánamo Prisoners
729 Muhibullo Umarov (Tajikistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 13, also see WikiLeaks and the 14 Missing Guantánamo Files, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
730 Ibrahim Fauzee (Maldives) RELEASED MAR 2005 Chapter 13 (footnote), also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part Four of Five)
731 Mazharuddin (Tajikistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 13, also see WikiLeaks and the 14 Missing Guantánamo Files, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
732 Abdughaffor Shirinov (Tajikistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 13, also see WikiLeaks and the 14 Missing Guantánamo Files, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
(Note: from here, ISN numbers become erratic, as prisoners were released in greater numbers from Bagram without being transferred to Guantánamo)
743 Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni (Pakistan) RELEASED AUG 2008 Chapters 16, 19, also see Revealed: Identity Of Guantánamo Torture Victim Rendered Through Diego Garcia, US Torture Under Scrutiny In British Courts, UN Secret Detention Report (Part Three): Proxy Detention, Other Countries’ Complicity, and Obama’s Record, Video: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner and Victim of US Rendition and Torture Speaks, Torture and Terrorism: In the Middle East It’s 2011, In America It’s Still 2001
744 Aziz Abdul Naji (Algeria) RELEASED JULY 2010, CLEARED (under Bush) Chapter 13, also see Guantánamo Algerian Returns Home; Will Obama Suspend Further Transfers?, Abdul Aziz Naji, Released from Guantánamo Last Week, Speaks to Algerian Media, The Dark Desires of Bruce Jessen, the Architect of Bush’s Torture Program, As Revealed by His Former Friend and Colleague, Why Algeria Is Not A Safe Country for the Repatriation of Guantánamo Prisoners, An Update on the Plight of Former Guantánamo Prisoner Abdul Aziz Naji, Sentenced to Three Years in Prison in Algeria, Algeria’s Ongoing Persecution of Former Guantánamo Prisoner Abdul Aziz Naji
753 Abdul Zahir (Afghanistan) RELEASED JAN 2017 (in Oman), CLEARED BY PRB (Jul 2016) Chapter 14, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Eight: Captured in Afghanistan (2002-07), US in Talks to Return the 17 Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, Close Guantánamo, Free the Afghans, Prisoners in Guantánamo Ask to be Freed Because of the End of the War in Afghanistan, Two More Prisoners – A Moroccan and an Afghan – Seek Release from Guantánamo Via Periodic Review Boards, as Two More Men Have Their Detention Upheld, mentioned in Obama’s Failure to Close Guantánamo: Revisiting a Major Article in the New Yorker, How Guantánamo’s Periodic Review Boards Exposed Woefully Distorted Intelligence Assessments
757 Ahmed Ould Abdul Aziz (Mauritania) RELEASED OCT 2015, CLEARED (under Obama) Website Extras 10, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), Ahmed Ould Abdel Aziz: The Mauritanian Teacher Still Awaiting Release from Guantánamo, On Guantánamo, No News is Bad News, Obama to Release Ten Guantánamo Prisoners Including Shaker Aamer, Says Washington Post, Obama’s Failure to Close Guantánamo: Revisiting a Major Article in the New Yorker
758 Abbas Al Naely (Iraq) RELEASED JAN 2009 Chapters 13, 20
760 Mohamedou Ould Slahi (Salahi) (Mauritania) RELEASED OCT 2016, CLEARED BY PRB (Jul 2016), WON HABEAS PETITION (Mar 2010), VACATED ON APPEAL (Nov 2010) Chapters 16, 20, mentioned in Bush Era Ends with Guantánamo Trial Chief’s Torture Confession, also see Guantánamo and Habeas Corpus: The Torture Victim and the Taliban Recruit, Mohamedou Ould Salahi: How a Judge Demolished the US Government’s Al-Qaeda Claims, UN Secret Detention Report (Part Three): Proxy Detention, Other Countries’ Complicity, and Obama’s Record, Heads You Lose, Tails You Lose: The Betrayal of Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Court Orders Rethink on Tortured Guantánamo Prisoner’s Successful Habeas Petition, The Dark Desires of Bruce Jessen, the Architect of Bush’s Torture Program, As Revealed by His Former Friend and Colleague, New Revelations About The Use of Water Torture at Guantánamo, Penny Lane: What We Learned This Week About Double Agents at Guantánamo, A Few Surprises in the New Guantánamo Prisoner List, Guantánamo Torture Victim Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s Harrowing Memoir to be Published in January 2015, Radio: Andy Worthington Discusses Guantánamo and We Stand With Shaker on KBOO FM in Portland and Radio Islam in Chicago, A Tale of Two Guantánamos: Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s World of Torture vs. the Senate’s Terrorist Fantasies, Two London Events for Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Best-Selling Author Imprisoned in Guantánamo, Photos and Report: Parliamentary Meeting for Guantánamo Prisoner Mohamedou Ould Slahi, April 19, 2016, Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Torture Victim and Best-Selling Author, Seeks Release from Guantánamo, Video: RT America’s One-Hour Special on Guantánamo Featuring Andy Worthington, Joe Hickman, Nancy Hollander and Tom Wilner, Great New York Times Exposé of How Torture, Abuse and Command Indifference Compromised Psychiatric Care at Guantánamo, Video: On CBS’s 60 Minutes, Former Guantánamo Prisoner, Torture Victim and Best-Selling Author Mohamedou Ould Slahi Tells His Story, Mohamedou Ould Slahi: One Year of Freedom, and the Uncensored Version of “Guantánamo Diary”, Guantánamo Writer Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s Devastating Criticism of US Claims That It Owns and Can Destroy Prisoners’ Art, mentioned in It’s Ten Years Since the Supreme Court Granted Habeas Corpus Rights to the Guantánamo Prisoners, a Legal Triumph Until a Lower Court Took Them Away, Former Guantánamo Prisoner Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s Message to the Trump Administration: Close Guantánamo Now!, As Mohamedou Ould Slahi is Denied a Passport, Remember That All Former Guantánamo Prisoners Live Without Fundamental Rights, The Case for Closing Guantánamo: The New Yorker’s Major Profile of Mohamedou Ould Salahi and His Former Guard Steve Wood, Guantánamo Torture Victim Mohamedou Ould Salahi and the Extraordinary Power of Forgiveness, Torture Victims Lead Call for Torture Apologists Avril Haines and Mike Morell Not to be Confirmed as Director of National Intelligence and CIA Director, Video: Mohamedou Ould Salahi and I Discuss the Closure of Guantánamo with Lewes Amnesty Group on Jan. 11, 2021, Seven Authors, All Former Guantánamo Prisoners, Urge President Biden to Close the Prison Before its 20th Anniversary, “The Mauritanian” Perfectly Captures the Horrors of Guantánamo and the US Torture Program, A Celebration of Guantánamo Activism Past and Present by Witness Against Torture’s Jeremy Varon, Clinton Advisor Anthony Lake and Close Guantánamo Co-Founder Tom Wilner Call on President Biden to Close the Prison, The Bleak Legacy of Donald Rumsfeld: Guantánamo, Torture and Two Failed and Astonishingly Destructive Wars, Video: Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Elizabeth Miller and I Discuss 9/11 and Guantánamo in a WVIA/Bloomsburg University Show, “Conversations for the Common Good”, Former Guantánamo Prisoner Mohamedou Ould Salahi Embarks on a UK Speaking Tour, How I Finally Met Former Guantánamo Prisoner Mohamedou Ould Salahi As A Free Man, “Guantánamo Diary Revisited”: Online Screening of New Documentary as a Fundraiser for My Guantánamo Work, Video: Q&A with Mohamedou Ould Salahi, Kevin Macdonald, Nancy Hollander and I at Screening of ‘The Mauritanian’ in Tunbridge Wells, Video: “Guantánamo Diary Revisited” – Q&A with Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Director John Goetz and Andy Worthington
761 Ibrahim Zeidan (Libya) RELEASED NOV 2007 Chapters 14, 20
762 Obaidullah (Obaydullah) (Afghanistan) RELEASED AUG 2016 (in UAE), but subsequently imprisoned, prior to his eventual return to Afghanistan, CLEARED BY PRB (May 2016), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Oct 2010) MILITARY COMMISSION, Website Extras 11, MILITARY COMMISSION (under Obama), Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Eight: Captured in Afghanistan (2002-07), Obama’s Collapse: The Return of the Military Commissions, Guantánamo and the Military Commissions: Revolution Interview with Andy Worthington, Guantánamo: Obama Turns the Clock Back to the Days of Bush’s Kangaroo Courts and Worthless Tribunals, The “Taliban Five” and the Forgotten Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, How US Investigators Established that Obaidullah, an Afghan Still Held in Guantánamo, Is Innocent, US in Talks to Return the 17 Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, Voices from the Hunger Strike in Guantánamo, Voices from Guantánamo: Obaidullah, an Afghan, Says “There is No Hope that We Will Ever Leave Here”, Close Guantánamo, Free the Afghans, A Few Surprises in the New Guantánamo Prisoner List, Prisoners in Guantánamo Ask to be Freed Because of the End of the War in Afghanistan, Guantánamo Review for Obaidullah, an Afghan Whose Lawyers Established His Innocence Five Years Ago, Guantánamo Lawyer’s Moving Memories of Her Client Obaidullah, an Afghan Released in the UAE in August, Guantánamo Scandal: The Released Prisoners Languishing in Secretive Detention in the UAE
766 Omar Khadr (Canada) RELEASED SEP 2012, ACCEPTED MILITARY COMMISSION PLEA DEAL (8-year sentence, Oct 2010) Chapters 14, 15, 19, also see MILITARY COMMISSION, The Trials of Omar Khadr, Guantánamo’s “child soldier”, Guantánamo Trials: Where Are The Terrorists?, Guantánamo’s Shambolic Trials, Torture allegations dog Guantánamo trials, Betrayals, backsliding and boycotts: the continuing collapse of Guantánamo’s Military Commissions, “Screwed up and abused”: Omar Khadr’s Canadian interrogations at Guantánamo, Controversy still plagues Guantánamo’s Military Commissions, Omar Khadr: The Guantánamo Files, The Collapse of Omar Khadr’s Guantánamo Trial, The Dying Days of the Guantánamo Trials, Chaos and Lies: Why Obama Was Right To Halt The Guantánamo Trials, A Broken Circus: Guantánamo Trials Convene For One Day Of Chaos, Predictable Chaos As Guantánamo Trials Resume, Military Commissions Revived: Don’t Do It, Mr. President!, MILITARY COMMISSION (under Obama), Binyam Mohamed on Omar Khadr: A Scapegoat for a Failed “War on Terror”, Prosecuting a Tortured Child: Obama’s Guantánamo Legacy, The Torture of Omar Khadr, a Child in Bagram and Guantánamo, Guantánamo and Habeas Corpus: 2 Years, 50 Cases, 36 Victories for the Prisoners, Defiance in Isolation: The Last Stand of Omar Khadr, Omar Khadr Accepts US Military Lawyer for Forthcoming Trial by Military Commission, A Letter from Omar Khadr in Guantánamo, Lawlessness Haunts Omar Khadr’s Blighted War Crimes Trial at Guantánamo, No Surprise at Obama’s Guantánamo Trial Chaos, On the 9th Anniversary of 9/11, A Call to Close Guantánamo and to Hold Accountable Those Who Authorized Torture, Omar Khadr is 24 Today: He Has Lost One-Third of His Life in US Custody, No Justice for Omar Khadr at Guantánamo, The Betrayal of Omar Khadr – and of American Justice, Andy Worthington Discusses Omar Khadr’s Depressing Plea Deal on Antiwar Radio, Omar Khadr’s Statement at Guantánamo, October 28, 2010, In Omar Khadr’s Sentencing Phase, US Government Introduces Islamophobic “Expert” and Irrelevant Testimony, Torture Is Finally Mentioned on the Last Day of Omar Khadr’s Sentencing Hearing at Guantánamo, “A Child’s Soul is Sacred”: Omar Khadr’s Touching Exchange of Letters with Canadian Professor, Omar Khadr Jury Hammers the Final Nail into the Coffin of American Justice, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Eight: Captured in Afghanistan (2002-07), Obama’s Collapse: The Return of the Military Commissions, Guantánamo and the Military Commissions: Revolution Interview with Andy Worthington, After Recent Ruling in the Case of Bin Laden’s Cook, Guantánamo Should Close by July 2012, Carol Rosenberg on the “Prison within a Prison” at Guantánamo for Four Convicted “War Criminals”, Video: Andy Worthington Discusses the Omar Khadr Film “You Don’t Like the Truth” on Press TV, WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, Video: Andy Worthington Discusses the Omar Khadr Film “You Don’t Like the Truth” on Press TV (Part Two), On Antiwar Radio, Andy Worthington Discusses the Omar Khadr Film, “You Don’t Like the Truth: 4 Days Inside Guantánamo”, No End to the Shameful Treatment of Omar Khadr, Christmas Thoughts for Omar Khadr, Still Held at Guantánamo, Omar Khadr to Return to Canada from Guantánamo by End of May, Canada’s Shameful Scapegoating of Omar Khadr, Bring Omar Khadr Home: His Lawyers Demand His Return to Canada from Guantánamo, Meet the Canadian Professor Who Has Been Teaching Omar Khadr at Guantánamo, Free Omar Khadr from Guantánamo! Please Support Senator Roméo Dallaire’s Campaign, Video: On Omar Khadr’s 26th Birthday, Supporters Call for his Return to Canada from Guantánamo, This Week at Guantánamo: More on Adnan Latif, Omar Khadr’s Birthday, A French Appeal, and the Release of Cleared Prisoners’ Names, Will Guantánamo Ever Be Closed?, Canada’s Shameful and Unending Disdain for Omar Khadr, US Military Admits Only 2.5 Percent of All Prisoners Ever Held at Guantánamo Will Be Tried, It’s Omar Khadr’s 27th Birthday: He’s Free from Guantánamo, but Still Unjustly Imprisoned in Canada, Lies and Injustice: Canada’s Ongoing Mistreatment of Omar Khadr, How Canada Has Hidden the Truth About Omar Khadr: US War Crimes, Institutional Racism and Media Failures, “He Didn’t Commit a War Crime”: Omar Khadr’s US Lawyer Challenges His Conviction at Guantánamo, Video: Omar Khadr’s US Lawyer, Sam Morison, Explains Why His Guantánamo War Crimes Conviction is a Disgrace, Omar Khadr Condemns His Guantánamo Plea Deal, As Canada Concedes He Is Not A “Maximum-Security Threat”, Progress in Canada: Former Guantánamo Prisoner Omar Khadr Moved to Medium-Security Prison, Canada’s Prison Ombudsman Still Critical of Classification of Omar Khadr, Former Guantánamo Prisoner, Andy Worthington Joins Dennis Edney, Omar Khadr’s Lawyer, for Amnesty International Event in London, March 18, 2014, Canadian Appeals Court Rules That Former Guantánamo Prisoner Omar Khadr Should Be Serving a Youth Sentence, Omar Khadr Urges Canadian Government to Respect the Law While Dealing with National Security Issues, The collapse of Guantánamo’s military commissions (for Al-Jazeera), Canadian Judge Grants Bail to Former Guantánamo Prisoner Omar Khadr, Former Guantánamo Prisoner Omar Khadr Says He Is “Ready” for Freedom; All Decent People Must Agree, Video: Omar Khadr Speaks, Says, “Freedom Is Way Better Than I Thought”, Canadian Supreme Court Rules That Omar Khadr Was A Juvenile Prisoner, Not An Adult, “Petty and Nasty”: Guantánamo Commander Bans Lawyers From Bringing Food to Share with Prisoners, Omar Khadr Speaks: Major Profile of Former Guantánamo Prisoner in the Toronto Star, Former Guantánamo Prisoner Omar Khadr Asks for Bail Conditions to be Eased So He Can Visit His Family, On Omar Khadr’s 29th Birthday, Bail Conditions Eased; Allowed to Visit Grandparents, and Electronic Tag Removed, Canada Agrees to Pay $10m Compensation to Brutalized Former Child Prisoner Omar Khadr, Held at Guantánamo for Ten Years, Omar Khadr’s Bail Conditions: On 31st Birthday, Judge Allows Internet Access, Refuses to Lift Ban on Free Travel within Canada, or Unsupervised Meeting with Sister, Torture Accountability in Canada: After Payments to Three Men Tortured in Syria, Former Guantánamo Prisoner Djamel Ameziane Also Seeks Damages, The Unending Punishment of Former Guantánamo Prisoner Omar Khadr, Seven Years Since He Left Guantánamo, Judge Rules That Omar Khadr’s Sentence Is Over, and He Is A Free Man, Photos and Report: The Wet But Spirited Close Guantánamo Protest in London, Jan. 8, 2022, and an Online Gathering of Former Prisoners
768 Ahmed Mohammed Al Darbi (Saudi Arabia) RELEASED MAY 2018 (to continue to serve sentence in Saudi Arabia), ACCEPTED PLEA DEAL IN MILITARY COMMISSION Feb 2014 MILITARY COMMISSION (under Bush), Website Extras 11, The US military’s shameless propaganda over Guantánamo’s 9/11 trials, 20 Reasons To Shut Down The Guantánamo Trials, The Dying Days of the Guantánamo Trials, Torture in Bagram and Guantánamo: The Declaration of Ahmed al-Darbi, Torture And Futility: Is This The End Of The Military Commissions At Guantánamo?, MILITARY COMMISSION (under Obama), Obama’s Collapse: The Return of the Military Commissions, Guantánamo and the Military Commissions: Revolution Interview with Andy Worthington, Guantánamo: Obama Turns the Clock Back to the Days of Bush’s Kangaroo Courts and Worthless Tribunals, More Evidence of the Use of Water Torture at Guantánamo and in Afghanistan and Iraq, Eleven Years After 9/11, Guantánamo Is A Political Prison, US Military Admits Only 2.5 Percent of All Prisoners Ever Held at Guantánamo Will Be Tried, A Few Surprises in the New Guantánamo Prisoner List, The Chaotic History of Guantánamo’s Military Commissions, The Absurdity of Guantánamo: As US Prepares to Release Ahmed Al-Darbi in Plea Deal, Less Significant Prisoners Remain Trapped Forever, mentioned in Detailed Los Angeles Review of Books Article Asks, “What Are We Still Doing in Guantánamo?”, Ahmed Al-Darbi, Admitted Terrorist at Guantánamo, Receives 13-Year Sentence Following 2014 Plea Deal, Ahmed Al-Darbi: Still Held, the Guantánamo Prisoner Who Was Supposed to Have Been Sent Home Two Weeks Ago
782 Awal Gul (Afghanistan) DIED IN GUANTANAMO FEB 2011 Website Extras 11, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Eight: Captured in Afghanistan (2002-07), In Afghanistan, 5,000 Attend Funeral of Prisoner Who Died in Guantánamo, as Afghan Peace Council Calls for Release of Former Taliban Official, Remembering the Season of Death at Guantánamo, mentioned in Remembering Guantánamo’s Dead, 12 Years After the Three Notorious Alleged Suicides of June 2006
783 Shams Ullah (Afghanistan) RELEASED OCT 2006 Website Extras 11, The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Eight of Ten)
798 Haji Roohullah (Wakil, Haji Ruhullah) (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAY 2008 Chapter 14, also see In Afghanistan, Former Guantánamo Prisoners Reflect on Their Ruined Lives, Life after Guantánamo: Stories from Afghanistan
801 Sabar Lal Melma (Afghanistan) RELEASED SEP 2007 Chapter 14, also see his alleged death mentioned in In Afghanistan, Former Guantánamo Prisoners Reflect on Their Ruined Lives
812 Qalandar Shah (Afghanistan) RELEASED APR 2005 Chapter 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part Four of Five)
817 Richard Belmar (UK) RELEASED JAN 2005 Chapters 12, 14, also see UK Judge Approves Use of Secret Evidence in Guantánamo Case, UK Appeals Court Rules Out Government’s Use of Secret Evidence in Guantánamo Damages Claim, As the UK Government Announces Compensation for Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners, Is the Return of Shaker Aamer Part of the Deal?, The UK Government’s Guantánamo Guilt, and the Urgent Need for Shaker Aamer’s Return, A Good Day for Justice: British Supreme Court Bans Use of Secret Evidence by Intelligence Services, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part Four of Five), mentioned in On Guantánamo’s 10th Anniversary, British Ex-Prisoners Talk About Their Lives, and Call for the Release of Shaker Aamer
818 Haji Osman Khan (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
820 Mohammed Haji Yousef (Afghanistan) RELEASED NOV 2003 WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part Five of Five)
822 Noor Aslam (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
826 Abdul Salaam (Afghanistan) RELEASED FEB 2006 Chapter 14, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Eight of Ten)
830 Tila Mohammed Khan (Pakistan) RELEASED NOV 2003 WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part Five of Five)
831 Qadir Khandan (Afghanistan) RELEASED OCT 2006 Chapter 14, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Eight of Ten)
832 Mohammed Nabi Omari (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAY 2014 (in Qatar) Website Extras 11, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Eight: Captured in Afghanistan (2002-07), The “Taliban Five” and the Forgotten Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, US in Talks to Return the 17 Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, Close Guantánamo, Free the Afghans, Don’t Forget the Hunger Strike at Guantánamo, On Democracy Now! Andy Worthington Discusses the Cynical Hysteria About the Guantánamo Prisoners Released in Exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, Radio: Andy Worthington Talks to Scott Horton and Peter B. Collins About the Latest Manufactured Guantánamo Scandal, Is Bowe Bergdahl Worth Five Taliban Prisoners? (for Al-Jazeera), Please Read Tom Wilner’s Op-Ed About the Bowe Bergdahl/Taliban Prisoner Swap, Pentagon Defends Bowe Bergdahl/Guantánamo Prisoner Swap as Government Accountability Office Delivers Critical Opinion
834 Naquibullah Shabeen (Afghanistan) RELEASED APR 2005 Chapter 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part Five of Five)
835 Mohammed Rasoul (Afghanistan) RELEASED APR 2005 Chapter 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released After the Tribunals, 2004 to 2005 (Part Five of Five)
836 Ayoub Murshid AliSaleh (Ayyub Murshid Ali Salih) (Yemen) RELEASED AUG 2016 (in UAE), but subsequently imprisoned; forcibly repatriated to Yemen in 2021 CLEARED BY PRB (Mar 2016) Website Extras 11, “Model Prisoner” at Guantánamo, Tortured in the “Dark Prison,” Loses Habeas Corpus Petition, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), Guantánamo Reviews: US Accepts that Former “Black Site” Prisoner, Like Five Others, Wasn’t Part of Al-Qaeda Plot, As Another Prisoner is Approved for Release, After Years in Secret Prisons, UAE Threatens Unsafe Repatriations to Yemen for Former Guantánamo Prisoners
837 Bashir Al Marwalah (Yemen) RELEASED AUG 2016 (in UAE), but subsequently imprisoned; forcibly repatriated to Yemen in 2021 CLEARED BY PRB (May 2016) Website Extras 11, “Model Prisoner” at Guantánamo, Tortured in the “Dark Prison,” Loses Habeas Corpus Petition, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), Two More Yemeni “Forever Prisoners” Seek Release from Guantánamo Via Periodic Review Boards, After Years in Secret Prisons, UAE Threatens Unsafe Repatriations to Yemen for Former Guantánamo Prisoners
838 Shawki Awad Balzuhair (Yemen) RELEASED DEC 2016 (in Cape Verde), CLEARED BY PRB (Jul 2016) Website Extras 11, “Model Prisoner” at Guantánamo, Tortured in the “Dark Prison,” Loses Habeas Corpus Petition, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), Periodic Review Boards: Two Prisoners Recommended for Release from Guantánamo, Two Have Detention Upheld, Another Seeks Release
839 Musab Al Mudwani (Musa’ab al-Madhwani) (Yemen) RELEASED JAN 2017 (in Oman), CLEARED BY PRB (Jul 2016), LOST HABEAS PETITION (Dec 2009), LOST APPEAL (May 2011) Chapter 16, also see “Model Prisoner” at Guantánamo, Tortured in the “Dark Prison,” Loses Habeas Corpus Petition, House Kills Plan to Close Guantánamo, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), The 11-Year Old American Girl Who Knows More About Guantánamo Than Most US Lawmakers, Judges Keep Guantánamo Open Forever, The Supreme Court Abandons the Guantánamo Prisoners, Meet the Seven Guantánamo Prisoners Whose Appeals Were Turned Down by the Supreme Court, “Indefinite Detention is the Worst Form of Torture”: A Guantánamo Prisoner Speaks, Guantánamo Lawyers Complain About Slow Progress of Periodic Review Boards, The Last Two Yemenis Mistakenly Identified as Members of Al-Qaeda Cell Seek Release from Guantánamo via Periodic Review Board, Great New York Times Exposé of How Torture, Abuse and Command Indifference Compromised Psychiatric Care at Guantánamo
840 Hail Aziz Ahmed Al Maythali (Al Maythal) (Yemen) RELEASED JAN 2017 (in Oman), CLEARED BY PRB (Aug 2016) Chapter 16, also see “Model Prisoner” at Guantánamo, Tortured in the “Dark Prison,” Loses Habeas Corpus Petition, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), Guantánamo Stories: 19 of the 43 Men Being Force-Fed in the Prison-Wide Hunger Strike, The Last Two Yemenis Mistakenly Identified as Members of Al-Qaeda Cell Seek Release from Guantánamo via Periodic Review Board
841 Said Salih Said Nashir (Yemen) CLEARED FOR RELEASE BY PRB (Oct 2020), NOT CLEARED BY PRB (Jan 2017), NOT CLEARED BY PRB (Nov 2016) Website Extras 11, “Model Prisoner” at Guantánamo, Tortured in the “Dark Prison,” Loses Habeas Corpus Petition, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), 31st Periodic Review Board Takes Place, for Yemeni at Guantánamo, as 8th Prisoner Has His Detention Upheld, As Guantánamo Enters Its 17th Year of Operations, Lawyers Hit Trump with Lawsuit Stating That His Blanket Refusal to Release Anyone Amounts to Arbitrary Detention, In Guantánamo Habeas Corpus Case, Lawyers Insist That Trump’s Stated Intention of Not Releasing Any Prisoners Renders Their Imprisonment “Perpetual” — and Illegal, Tomorrow, Lawyers Will Argue in Court That Donald Trump’s Guantánamo Policy Is “Arbitrary, Unlawful, and Motivated by Executive Hubris and Anti-Muslim Animus”, included in Really? Trump Lawyer Argues in Court that Guantánamo Prisoners Can Be Held for 100 Years Without Charge or Trial
842 Sultan Ahmad (Pakistan) RELEASED SEP 2004 The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part Five of Five)
843 Saghir Ahmed (Pakistan) RELEASED SEP 2004 WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part Five of Five)
845 Mohammed Akitar (Afghanistan) RELEASED AUG 2006 Chapter 14, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Nine of Ten)
848 Amin Ullah (Afghanistan) RELEASED AUG 2007 Website Extras 11
849 Mohammed Nasim (Afghanistan) RELEASED OCT 2006 Chapter 14, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Nine of Ten)
850 Mohammed Hashim (Afghanistan) RELEASED DEC 2009 MILITARY COMMISSION, Website Extras 11, 20 Reasons To Shut Down The Guantánamo Trials
856 Barak (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part Five of Five)
874 Abdul Nasir (Afghanistan) RELEASED NOV 2007 Website Extras 11
886 Nasrullah (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAY 2008 Chapter 14
888 Ismatullah (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAY 2008 Chapter 14
890 Rahmatullah Sangaryar (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAY 2008 Chapters 14, 18
892 Rafiq Al Hami (Alhami) (Tunisia) DIED IN SYRIA, RELEASED JAN 2010 (in Slovakia, returned to Tunisia March 2011), CLEARED (under Bush) Chapter 16, mentioned in Guantánamo’s refugees, also see CIA Torture Began In Afghanistan 8 Months Before DoJ Approval, UN Secret Detention Report (Part Two): CIA Prisons in Afghanistan and Iraq, Three Neglected Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners in Slovakia Embark on a Hunger Strike, “It was better in Guantánamo,” Complains Egyptian Held in Slovak Detention Center, Who Are the Three Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners on Hunger Strike in Slovakia?, Judge Orders Release from Guantánamo of Yemeni Seized in Iran, Held in Secret CIA Prisons, Former Guantánamo Prisoners in Slovakia Finally Receive Residence Permits, Judge Denies Guantánamo Prisoner’s Habeas Petition, Ignores Torture in Secret CIA Prisons, What Does Tunisia’s Revolution Mean for Political Prisoners, Including Guantánamo Detainees?, Tunisians Call for the Release of Prisoners in Guantánamo, Video: Tunisian Freed from Guantánamo Calls for the Return of His Compatriots
893 Tawfiq Al Bihani (Toffiq) (Saudi Arabia) CLEARED UNDER OBAMA, LOST HABEAS PETITION (Oct 2010) Chapter 16, also see UN Secret Detention Report (Part Two): CIA Prisons in Afghanistan and Iraq, Judge Denies Guantánamo Prisoner’s Habeas Petition, Ignores Torture in Secret CIA Prisons, The Supreme Court Abandons the Guantánamo Prisoners, Meet the Seven Guantánamo Prisoners Whose Appeals Were Turned Down by the Supreme Court, Abdul Latif Nasser: Facing life in Guantánamo (for Al-Jazeera), Guantánamo Lawyer: It is “Entirely Unprecedented” for Trump to “Take the Position That There Will Be No Transfers out of Guantánamo Without Regard to the Facts”, As Guantánamo Enters Its 17th Year of Operations, Lawyers Hit Trump with Lawsuit Stating That His Blanket Refusal to Release Anyone Amounts to Arbitrary Detention, In Guantánamo Habeas Corpus Case, Lawyers Insist That Trump’s Stated Intention of Not Releasing Any Prisoners Renders Their Imprisonment “Perpetual” — and Illegal, Tomorrow, Lawyers Will Argue in Court That Donald Trump’s Guantánamo Policy Is “Arbitrary, Unlawful, and Motivated by Executive Hubris and Anti-Muslim Animus”, Really? Trump Lawyer Argues in Court that Guantánamo Prisoners Can Be Held for 100 Years Without Charge or Trial, Trump’s Personal Prisoners at Guantánamo: The Five Men Cleared for Release But Still Held, Photos and Report: The Launch of “Guantánamo [Un]Censored: Art from Inside the Prison” at CUNY School of Law in New York, President Elect Biden, It’s Time to Close Guantánamo, mentioned in On the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the US Needs to Close Guantánamo and Bring to an End the Broken Military Commission Trials
894 Lotfi Bin Ali (Mohammed Abdul Rahman) (Tunisia) DIED IN MAURITANIA (March 2021), where he was resettled in 2016/17, RELEASED DEC 2014 (in Kazakhstan), CLEARED (under Obama), CLEARED (under Bush) Website Extras 10, Judge prevents innocent Tunisian’s return to torture from Guantánamo, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Seven: Captured in Pakistan (3 of 3), What Does Tunisia’s Revolution Mean for Political Prisoners, Including Guantánamo Detainees?, Former Guantánamo Prisoner Asim Al-Khalaqi Dies in Kazakhstan, Four Months After Being Freed, Great New York Times Exposé of How Torture, Abuse and Command Indifference Compromised Psychiatric Care at Guantánamo
895 NO ISN (almost certainly Dilawar, the innocent Afghan taxi driver who was murdered in Bagram; see Chapter 14 and When Torture Kills: Ten Murders In US Prisons In Afghanistan)
896 Parkhudin (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 14, also see When Torture Kills: Ten Murders In US Prisons In Afghanistan, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
897 Abdul Rahim (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 14, also see When Torture Kills: Ten Murders In US Prisons In Afghanistan, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
898 Zakkim Shah (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Chapter 14, also see WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Nine of Ten)
899 Shawali Khan (Afghanistan) RELEASED DEC 2014, LOST HABEAS PETITION (Sep 2010), LOST APPEAL (Sep 2011), CLEARED (under Obama) Website Extras 11, Judge Denies Habeas Petition of Afghan Shopkeeper at Guantánamo, Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Eight: Captured in Afghanistan (2002-07), US Injustice Laid Bare, As Afghan in Guantánamo Loses His Habeas Appeal, The Case of Shawali Khan, an Afghan in Guantánamo, Sold to US Forces 10 Years Ago, The “Taliban Five” and the Forgotten Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, US in Talks to Return the 17 Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, Close Guantánamo, Free the Afghans, mentioned in What We Should Really Be Talking About With the Bowe Bergdahl Controversy (for Mic), mentioned in Missing the Point on the Guantánamo Taliban Prisoner Swap and the Release of Bowe Bergdahl, Pentagon Blocks Prisoner Releases from Guantánamo – Including 74-Pound Yemeni Hunger Striker
900 Mohamed Jawad (Mohammed Jawad) (Afghanistan) RELEASED AUG 2009, WON HABEAS PETITION (Jul 2009) MILITARY COMMISSION, Website Extras 11, Torture allegations dog Guantánamo trials, Controversy still plagues Guantánamo’s Military Commissions, The Dark Heart of the Guantánamo Trials, New Evidence of Systemic Bias in Guantánamo Trials, Meltdown at the Guantánamo Trials, The Dying Days of the Guantánamo Trials, Former Guantánamo Prosecutor Condemns “Chaotic” Trials in Case of Teenage Torture Victim, Torture Taints the Case of Guantánamo prisoner Mohamed Jawad, A Child At Guantánamo: The Unending Torment of Mohamed Jawad, Former Insider Shatters Credibility of Military Commissions, How Judge Huvelle Humiliated The Government In Guantánamo Case, As Judge Orders Release Of Tortured Guantánamo Prisoner, Government Refuses To Concede Defeat, David Frakt: Military Commissions “A Catastrophic Failure”, Guantánamo And The Courts (Part Three): Obama’s Continuing Shame, The Unsung Heroes Who Helped Secure Mohammed Jawad’s Release From Guantánamo, Freed From Guantánamo, Mohammed Jawad Celebrates Eid With His Family, Lawyer Blasts “Congressional Depravity” On Guantánamo, Rep. Jerrold Nadler and David Frakt on Obama’s Three-Tier Justice System For Guantánamo, More “Congressional Depravity” on Guantánamo, Calling for US Accountability on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Omar Khadr Accepts US Military Lawyer for Forthcoming Trial by Military Commission, David Frakt Explains Why Guantánamo Prisoners Have Habeas Corpus Rights, “A Story About Lost and Broken Things”: Mohammed Jawad, A Child in Guantánamo, and the Lawyer Who Fought for Him, Video: Andy Worthington, Todd Pierce and Steven Reisner Discuss Guantánamo and Torture in New York, January 9, 2014, mentioned in It’s Ten Years Since the Supreme Court Granted Habeas Corpus Rights to the Guantánamo Prisoners, a Legal Triumph Until a Lower Court Took Them Away
902 Taj Mohammed (Afghanistan) RELEASED OCT 2006 Chapter 17, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Nine of Ten)
905 Jamil El Banna (UK-Jordan) RELEASED DEC 2007 Chapter 16, also see Deals with dictators undermined by British request for return of five British detainees, British Residents in Guantánamo: the backlash begins, Guantánamo Britons To Be Released: A Mixed Result, The Guantánamo Britons and Spain’s dubious extradition request, Spanish drop “inhuman” extradition request for Guantánamo Britons, Former prisoners launch the Guantánamo Justice Centre in London, UK Judge Approves Use of Secret Evidence in Guantánamo Case, UK Appeals Court Rules Out Government’s Use of Secret Evidence in Guantánamo Damages Claim, William Hague Orders a Judicial Inquiry into British Complicity in Torture, UN Secret Detention Report (Part Two): CIA Prisons in Afghanistan and Iraq, As the UK Government Announces Compensation for Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners, Is the Return of Shaker Aamer Part of the Deal?, The UK Government’s Guantánamo Guilt, and the Urgent Need for Shaker Aamer’s Return, A Good Day for Justice: British Supreme Court Bans Use of Secret Evidence by Intelligence Services, mentioned in On Guantánamo’s 10th Anniversary, British Ex-Prisoners Talk About Their Lives, and Call for the Release of Shaker Aamer, UK Torture: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner’s Memories Provide A Reminder That We Need Accountability
906 Bisher Al Rawi (UK-Iraq) RELEASED MAR 2007 Chapter 16, also see The Perils of Return: Repatriated to Torture, Deals with dictators undermined by British request for return of five British detainees, Hiding Torture And Freeing Binyam Mohamed From Guantánamo, Obama’s First 100 Days: Mixed Messages On Torture, US Torture Under Scrutiny In British Courts, Former prisoners launch the Guantánamo Justice Centre in London, UK Judge Approves Use of Secret Evidence in Guantánamo Case, UK Appeals Court Rules Out Government’s Use of Secret Evidence in Guantánamo Damages Claim, William Hague Orders a Judicial Inquiry into British Complicity in Torture, UN Secret Detention Report (Part Two): CIA Prisons in Afghanistan and Iraq, UN Secret Detention Report (Part Three): Proxy Detention, Other Countries’ Complicity, and Obama’s Record, By One Vote, US Court OKs Torture and “Extraordinary Rendition”, As the UK Government Announces Compensation for Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners, Is the Return of Shaker Aamer Part of the Deal?, The UK Government’s Guantánamo Guilt, and the Urgent Need for Shaker Aamer’s Return, A Good Day for Justice: British Supreme Court Bans Use of Secret Evidence by Intelligence Services, On Guantánamo’s 10th Anniversary, British Ex-Prisoners Talk About Their Lives, and Call for the Release of Shaker Aamer, Seven Ex-Guantánamo Prisoners Unite in London to Call for Prison’s Closure on Jan. 11; Shaker Aamer Photographed With Inflatable Figure of Himself Outside US Embassy, UK Torture: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner’s Memories Provide A Reminder That We Need Accountability, In Historic Ruling, Case of Four Survivors of CIA Rendition and “Black Site” Torture To Be Heard By Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
907 Habib Rahman (Afghanistan) RELEASED OCT 2006 Chapter 17, seized with 908-914, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Nine of Ten)
908 Peta Muhammed (Afghanistan) RELEASED MAR 2004 Website Extras 12, The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Ten of Ten)
909 Mohabet Khan (Afghanistan) RELEASED OCT 2006 Chapter 17, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Nine of Ten)
910 Mohammed Khan (Afghanistan) RELEASED SEP 2004 WikiLeaks: The Unknown Prisoners of Guantánamo (Part Five of Five)
911 Abdul Samad (Afghanistan) RELEASED SEP 2004 Website Extras 12, WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Ten of Ten)
912 Asadullah Rahman (Afghanistan) RELEASED JAN 2004 Chapter 17, also see The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Ten of Ten)
913 Naqib Ullah (Afghanistan) RELEASED JAN 2004 Chapter 17, also see The Pentagon Can’t Count: 22 Juveniles Held at Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the 22 Children of Guantánamo, WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Released from 2002 to 2004 (Part Ten of Ten)
914 Shardar Khan (Afghanistan) RELEASED OCT 2006 Website Extras 12, The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Nine of Ten)
919 Faiz Ullah (Afghanistan) RELEASED OCT 2006 Chapter 17, also see The Complete Guantánamo Files: WikiLeaks and the Prisoners Released in 2006 (Part Nine of Ten)
923 Abdul Razzaq (Afghanistan) RELEASED DEC 2007 Website Extras 12
928 Khi Ali Gul (Afghanistan) RELEASED DEC 2014, CLEARED (under Obama) Chapter 17, also see Who Are the Remaining Prisoners in Guantánamo? Part Eight: Captured in Afghanistan (2002-07), EXCLUSIVE: A Warning from Guantánamo – Four Prisoners Are Close to Death, and the Authorities Don’t Care, Close Guantánamo, Free the Afghans, US in Talks to Return the 17 Afghan Prisoners in Guantánamo, mentioned in What We Should Really Be Talking About With the Bowe Bergdahl Controversy (for Mic), Pentagon Blocks Prisoner Releases from Guantánamo – Including 74-Pound Yemeni Hunger Striker
For more, see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 6.
Andy Worthington is a freelance investigative journalist, activist, author, photographer, film-maker and singer-songwriter (the lead singer and main songwriter for the London-based band The Four Fathers, whose debut album ‘Love and War’ and EP ‘Fighting Injustice’ are available here to download or on CD via Bandcamp). He is the co-founder of the Close Guantánamo campaign (and the Countdown to Close Guantánamo initiative, launched in January 2016), the co-director of We Stand With Shaker, which called for the release from Guantánamo of Shaker Aamer, the last British resident in the prison (finally freed on October 30, 2015), and the author of The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison (published by Pluto Press, distributed by the University of Chicago Press in the US, and available from Amazon, including a Kindle edition — click on the following for the US and the UK) and of two other books: Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion and The Battle of the Beanfield. He is also the co-director (with Polly Nash) of the documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (available on DVD here — or here for the US).
To receive new articles in your inbox, please subscribe to Andy’s RSS feed — and he can also be found on Facebook (and here), Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. Also see the six-part definitive Guantánamo prisoner list, and The Complete Guantánamo Files, an ongoing, 70-part, million-word series drawing on files released by WikiLeaks in April 2011. Also see the definitive Guantánamo habeas list, the full military commissions list, and the chronological list of all Andy’s articles.
Please also consider joining the Close Guantánamo campaign, and, if you appreciate Andy’s work, feel free to make a donation.
Investigative journalist, author, campaigner, commentator and public speaker. Recognized as an authority on Guantánamo and the “war on terror.” Co-founder, Close Guantánamo and We Stand With Shaker, singer/songwriter (The Four Fathers).
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