Every six months, I ask people to write to the prisoners in Guantánamo, to let them — and the US authorities — know that they have not been forgotten.
The letter-writing campaign was started four and a half years ago by two Facebook friends, Shahrina J. Ahmed and Mahfuja Bint Ammu, and it has been repeated every six months (see here, here, here, here, here, here and here). This latest campaign is a month late, for which I apologize, but I forgot over the Christmas and New Year period because I had been so busy with the We Stand With Shaker campaign, calling for the release from Guantánamo of Shaker Aamer, the last British resident in the prison.
Since last July, when I last encouraged opponents of Guantánamo to write to the prisoners, there has been significant progress, with 27 men released. 149 men were held at the time, and that number has now been reduced to 122. 25 of those freed in the last seven months were cleared for release in January 2010 by the high-level, inter-agency Guantánamo Review Task Force established by President Obama when he took office in 2009, and 50 of those still held were also cleared for release by the task force. Four others were cleared for release in recent months by a new review process, the Periodic Review Boards, which started in 2013, and which led to the release of the other two men freed since the last letter-writing appeal.
In the list below, I have divided the remaining 122 prisoners into those cleared for release (54), those listed as being eligible for Periodic Review Boards (58) and those charged or tried in the military commissions system (10). Please note that I have kept the spelling used by the US authorities in the “Final Dispositions” of the Guantánamo Review Task Force, which was released through FOIA legislation in June 2013.
Writing to the prisoners
If you are an Arabic speaker, or speak any other languages spoken by the prisoners besides English, feel free to write in those languages. Do please note that any messages that can be construed as political should be avoided, as they may lead to the letters not making it past the Pentagon’s censors, but be aware that your messages may not get through anyway — although please don’t let that put you off.
When writing to the prisoners please ensure you include their full name and ISN (internment serial number) below (these are the numbers before their names, i.e. Shaker Aamer is ISN 239).
Please address all letters to:
Detainee Name
Detainee ISN
U.S. Naval Station
Guantánamo Bay
Washington, D.C. 20355
United States of America
Please also include a return address on the envelope.
Below are the names of the 54 prisoners in Guantánamo — out of the remaining 122 — who have been cleared for release. The phrase used by the task force to describe the recommendations for 20 of these men was “Transfer to a country outside the United States that will implement appropriate security measures.” Their identities were first revealed in September 2012. See below for the 30 other Yemenis recommended for “conditional detention,” and also for the four men recommended for release last year by Periodic Review Boards.
The 7 non-Yemeni prisoners cleared for release
ISN 038 Ridah Bin Saleh al Yazidi (Tunisia)
ISN 189 Salem Abdu Salam Ghereby (Libya)
ISN 197 Younis Abdurrahman Chekkouri (Morocco)
ISN 239 Shaker Aamer (UK-Saudi Arabia)
ISN 257 Imar Hamzayavich Abdulayev (Tajikistan)
ISN 309 Mjuayn Al-Din Jamal Al-Din Abd Al Fadhil Abd Al-Sattar (UAE)
ISN 757 Ahmed Abdel Aziz (Mauritania)
The 13 Yemeni prisoners cleared for release
ISN 035 Idris Ahmad Abd Al Qadir Idris (Yemen)
ISN 153 Fayiz Ahmad Yahia Suleiman (Yemen)
ISN 163 Khalid Abd Al Jabbar Muhammad Uthman Al Qadasi (Yemen)
ISN 170 Sharaf Ahmad Muhammad Mas’ud (Yemen)
ISN 249 Muhammed Abdullah Al Hamiri (Yemen)
ISN 255 Said Muhammad Salih Hatim (Yemen)
ISN 511 Sulaiman Awath Silaiman Bin Agell Al Nahdi (Yemen)
ISN 554 Fahmi Salem Said Al-Asani (Yemen)
ISN 564 Jalal Salam Awad Awad (Yemen)
ISN 566 Mansour Mohamed Mutaya Ali (Yemen)
ISN 575 Saa’d Nasser Moqbil al-Azani (Yemen)
ISN 680 Emad Abdallah Hassan (Yemen)
ISN 691 Muhammad Ali Salem Al Zarnuki (Yemen)
The 30 Yemeni prisoners cleared for release but designated for “conditional detention”
These men were cleared for release by the task force, although the task force members conjured up a new category for them, “conditional detention,” which it described as being “based on the current security environment in that country.” The task force added, “They are not approved for repatriation to Yemen at this time, but may be transferred to third countries, or repatriated to Yemen in the future if the current moratorium on transfers to Yemen is lifted and other security conditions are met.”
ISN 026 Fahed Abdullah Ahmad Ghazi (Yemen)
ISN 030 Ahmed Umar Abdullah al-Hikimi (Yemen)
ISN 033 Mohammed Al-Adahi (Yemen)
ISN 040 Abdel Qadir Al-Mudafari (Yemen)
ISN 043 Samir Naji Al Hasan Moqbil (Yemen)
ISN 088 Adham Mohamed Ali Awad (Yemen)
ISN 091 Abdel Al Saleh (Yemen)
ISN 115 Abdul Rahman Mohammed Saleh (Yemen)
ISN 117 Mukhtar Anaje (Yemen)
ISN 165 Adil Said Haj Ubayd (Yemen)
ISN 167 Ali Yahya Mahdi (Yemen)
ISN 171 Abu Bakr ibn Ali Muhammad al Ahdal (Yemen)
ISN 178 Tariq Ali Abdullah Ba Odah (Yemen)
ISN 202 Mahmoud Omar Muhammad Bin Atef (Yemen)
ISN 223 Abd al-Rahman Sulayman (Yemen)
ISN 233 Abd al-Razaq Muhammed Salih (Yemen)
ISN 240 Abdallah Yahya Yusif Al Shibli (Yemen)
ISN 251 Muhammad Said Salim Bin Salman (Yemen)
ISN 321 Ahmed Yaslam Said Kuman (Yemen)
ISN 440 Muhammad Ali Abdallah Muhammad Bwazir (Yemen)
ISN 461 Abd al Rahman al-Qyati (Yemen)
ISN 498 Mohammed Ahmen Said Haider (Yemen)
ISN 506 Mohammed Khalid Salih al-Dhuby (Yemen)
ISN 509 Mohammed Nasir Yahi Khussrof (Yemen)
ISN 549 Umar Said Salim Al-Dini (Yemen)
ISN 550 Walid Said bin Said Zaid (Yemen)
ISN 578 Abdul al-Aziz Abduh Abdullah Ali Al Suwaydi (Yemen)
ISN 688 Fahmi Abdullah Ahmed al-Tawlaqi (Yemen)
ISN 728 Abdul Muhammad Nassir al-Muhajari (Yemen)
ISN 893 Tawfiq Nasir Awad Al-Bihani (Yemen)
The four Yemeni prisoners cleared for release by Periodic Review Boards
ISN 031 Mahmud Abd Al Aziz Al Mujahid (Yemen)
ISN 037 Abdel Malik Ahmed Abdel Wahab al Rahabi (Yemen)
ISN 045 Ali Ahmad al-Rahizi (Yemen)
ISN 128 Ghaleb Nassar al Bihani (Yemen)
Of the 58 remaining prisoners notified that they were eligible for Periodic Review Boards in April 2013, the first 35 were recommended for continued imprisonment without charge or trial in January 2010 by President Obama’s Guantánamo Review Task Force, and the 23 others were recommended for prosecution in the military commissions, but those intended prosecutions were dropped after judges dismissed the convictions against two prisoners on the basis that the war crimes for which they has been tried had actually been invented by Congress and were not legally recognized.
The 23 prisoners recommended in January 2010 for continued detention (without possible transfer to imprisonment in the US), but determined to be eligible for a Periodic Review Board in April 2013
ISN 028 Moath Hamza Ahmed al-Alwi (Yemen)
ISN 041 Majid Mahmud Abdu Ahmed (Yemen)
ISN 042 Abd al Rahman Shalbi Isa Uwaydah (Saudi Arabia)
ISN 044 Muhammed Rajab Sadiq Abu Ghanim (Yemen)
ISN 131 Salem Ahmad Hadi Bin Kanad (Yemen)
ISN 195 Mohammed Abd al Rahman al Shumrant (Saudi Arabia)
ISN 242 Khalid Ahmed Qasim (Yemen)
ISN 244 Abdul Latif Nasir (Morocco)
ISN 324 Mashur Abdullah Muqbil Ahmed al-Sabri (Yemen)
ISN 434 Mustafa Abd al-Qawi Abd al-Aziz al-Shamiri (Yemen)
ISN 441 Abdul Rahman Ahmed (Yemen)
ISN 508 Salman Yahya Hassan Mohammad Rabei’i (Yemen)
ISN 552 Faez Mohammed Ahmed al-Kandari (Kuwait)
ISN 695 Omar Khalif Mohammed Abu Baker Mahjour Umar (Libya)
ISN 708 Ismael Ali Faraj Ali Bakush (Libya)
ISN 836 Ayub Murshid Ali Salih (Yemen)
ISN 837 Bashir Nasir Ali al-Marwalah (Yemen)
ISN 838 Shawqi Awad Balzuhair (Yemen)
ISN 839 Musab Omar Ali al-Mudwani (Yemen)
ISN 840 Hail Aziz Ahmed al-Maythali (Yemen)
ISN 841 Said Salih Said Nashir (Yemen)
ISN 1045 Mohammed Kamin (Afghanistan)
ISN 10025 Mohammed Abdul Malik Bajabu (Kenya)
Note: 131, 195 and 552 had their ongoing imprisonment approved by Periodic Review Boards in 2014.
The 12 prisoners recommended in January 2010 for continued detention (with possible transfer to imprisonment in the US), but determined to be eligible for a Periodic Review Board in April 2013
ISN 027 Uthman Abd al-Rahim Muhammad Uthman (Yemen)
ISN 029 Mohammed al-Ansi (Yemen)
ISN 235 Saeed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah Sarem Jarabh (Yemen)
ISN 522 Yassim Qasim Mohammed Ismail Qasim (Yemen)
ISN 560 Haji Wali Muhammed (Afghanistan)
ISN 576 Zahar Omar Hamis bin Hamdoun (Yemen)
ISN 975 Karim Bostan (Afghanistan)
ISN 1017 Omar Mohammed Ali al-Rammah (Yemen)
ISN 1119 Ahmid al Razak (Afghanistan)
ISN 1463 Abd al-Salam al-Hilah (Yemen)
ISN 10023 Guleed Hassan Ahmed (Somalia)
ISN 10029 Muhammad Rahim (Afghanistan)
The 23 prisoners recommended for prosecution but not charged, who were determined to be eligible for a Periodic Review Board in April 2013
ISN 063 Mohamed Mani Ahmad al Kahtani (Saudi Arabia)
ISN 535 Tariq Mahmoud Ahmed Al Sawah (Egypt)
ISN 569 Suhayl Abdul Anam al Sharabi (Yemen)
ISN 682 Abdullah Al Sharbi (Saudi Arabia)
ISN 685 Said bin Brahim bin Umran Bakush (Algeria) aka Abdelrazak Ali
ISN 694 Sufyian Barhoumi (Algeria)
ISN 696 Jabran Al Qahtani (Saudi Arabia)
ISN 702 Ravil Mingazov (Russia)
ISN 753 Abdul Sahir (Afghanistan)
ISN 760 Mohamedou Ould Slahi (Mauritania)
ISN 762 Obaidullah (Afghanistan)
ISN 1094 Saifullah Paracha (Pakistan)
ISN 1453 Sanad Al Kazimi (Yemen)
ISN 1456 Hassan Bin Attash (Saudi Arabia)
ISN 1457 Sharqawi Abdu Ali Al Hajj (Yemen)
ISN 1460 Abdul Rabbani (Pakistan)
ISN 1461 Mohammed Rabbani (Pakistan)
ISN 10016 Zayn al-Ibidin Muhammed Husayn aka Abu Zubaydah
ISN 10017 Mustafa Faraj Muhammed Masud al-Jadid al-Usaybi (Libya)
ISN 10019 Encep Nurjaman (Hambali) (Indonesia)
ISN 10021 Mohd Farik bin Amin (Malaysia)
ISN 10022 Bashir bin Lap (Malaysia)
ISN 3148 Haroon al-Afghani (Afghanistan)
The seven prisoners currently facing charges
ISN 10011 Mustafa Ahmad al Hawsawi (Saudi Arabia)
ISN 10013 Ramzi Bin Al Shibh (Yemen)
ISN 10014 Walid Mohammed Bin Attash (Yemen)
ISN 10015 Mohammed al Nashiri (Saudi Arabia)
ISN 10018 Ali abd al Aziz Ali (Pakistan)
ISN 10024 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Kuwait)
ISN 10026 Nashwan abd al-Razzaq abd al-Baqi (Hadi) (Iraq)
The two prisoners already convicted via plea deal
ISN 768 Ahmed Al-Darbi (Saudi Arabia)
ISN 10020 Majid Khan (Pakistan)
One other prisoner convicted under President Bush
ISN 039 Ali Hamza al-Bahlul (Yemen)
He was not included in the task force’s deliberations, as he had been tried and convicted in a one-sided trial by military commission in October 2008, at which he refused to mount a defense. His conviction was dismissed by an appeals court in January 2013, although the government is appealing that ruling.
Note: For further information about the prisoners, see my six-part definitive Guantánamo prisoner list (Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five and Part Six).
Andy Worthington is a freelance investigative journalist, activist, author, photographer and film-maker. He is the co-founder of the “Close Guantánamo” campaign, the director of “We Stand With Shaker,” calling for the immediate release from Guantánamo of Shaker Aamer, the last British resident in the prison, and the author of The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison (published by Pluto Press, distributed by Macmillan in the US, and available from Amazon — click on the following for the US and the UK) and of two other books: Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion and The Battle of the Beanfield. He is also the co-director (with Polly Nash) of the documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (available on DVD here — or here for the US).
To receive new articles in your inbox, please subscribe to Andy’s RSS feed — and he can also be found on Facebook (and here), Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. Also see the six-part definitive Guantánamo prisoner list, and “The Complete Guantánamo Files,” an ongoing, 70-part, million-word series drawing on files released by WikiLeaks in April 2011. Also see the definitive Guantánamo habeas list, the full military commissions list, and the chronological list of all Andy’s articles.
Please also consider joining the “Close Guantánamo” campaign, and, if you appreciate Andy’s work, feel free to make a donation.
Investigative journalist, author, campaigner, commentator and public speaker. Recognized as an authority on Guantánamo and the “war on terror.” Co-founder, Close Guantánamo and We Stand With Shaker, singer/songwriter (The Four Fathers).
Email Andy Worthington
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12 Responses
s says...
Do they actually get the letters?
...on February 2nd, 2015 at 10:41 pm
Andy Worthington says...
Not always, s, as sometimes people get their letters returned, but it seems that generally they do. Plus it keeps the authorities aware that people are watching them.
...on February 2nd, 2015 at 10:59 pm
Andy Worthington says...
On Facebook, Marion Heads wrote:
I wrote last week to 2 detainees more than happy to write again just let me know
...on February 2nd, 2015 at 11:35 pm
Andy Worthington says...
Please feel free to write to whoever you want, Marion. All the remaining prisoners are listed, as is the correct address!
...on February 2nd, 2015 at 11:35 pm
Andy Worthington says...
Marion Heads wrote:
Thanks Andy, will get the pen and paper out again. Any timescale?
...on February 2nd, 2015 at 11:36 pm
Andy Worthington says...
You can write whenever you want, Marion. There’s no timescale.
...on February 2nd, 2015 at 11:36 pm
Andy Worthington says...
Marion Heads wrote:
Great will pick one or two from the list. Any gig dates on the West Coast yet?
...on February 2nd, 2015 at 11:36 pm
Andy Worthington says...
No gigs outside south east London yet, Marion! I hope to start seeking out possibilities across London once we’ve been to the studio again, in a few weeks, and have mixed songs for our album.
...on February 2nd, 2015 at 11:37 pm
Martin Gugino says...
I can only speak English. What percent of the prisoners are able to deal with a letter in English, should they receive it?
On another matter, Wikipedia says that Mozem Begg was arrested in “UK terror raid” on Feb 25th, 2014. I assume that this is idiotic, but there it is.
I was looking here “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Guantanamo_Bay_detainees” to see if there was a clue about who spoke English.
...on February 3rd, 2015 at 3:51 am
Andy Worthington says...
Hi Martin,
By now it’s a safe bet to say that the remaining prisoners all speak English, whether they originally did or not.
As for Moazzam, he was arrested and imprisoned for seven months, but the charges mysteriously evaporated when it came to putting him on trial. We can only conclude that he was used by the UK government as a warning to British Muslims not to travel to Syria for any reason. I wrote about his case here: http://www.andyworthington.co.uk/2014/02/26/the-suspicious-arrest-of-former-guantanamo-prisoner-moazzam-begg/
...on February 3rd, 2015 at 10:56 am
Anna O'Leary says...
Shame shame America. Their grandchildren will hang their heads in shame, and the British have been sucked in to this torture too.
Here in lreland l am saddened our lame government allows American military aircraft to transit via Shannon Airport without inspecting them for it is obvious that they transport kidnapped people on them. Guantanamo is a hellhole. When l was living in London l attended fundraisers to free Moazzam Begg and I was impressed to hear his brother talk about the innocence of Moazzam Begg. That he was arrested again was another black mark against the British government. There are criminals running America, and criminals are running Britain.
...on February 4th, 2015 at 9:21 am
Andy Worthington says...
Thanks for getting in touch, Anna. Good to hear from you.
...on February 4th, 2015 at 9:57 am